Zambia has more than 780 bird species. The main national parks (South Luangwa, Kafue and Lower Zambezi) offer great birding opportunities. And some lesser-known destinations are equally rewarding. Visit Liuwa Plain National Park to see swarms of migrating black-winged pratincoles. Lochinvar National Park is a wetland birding hot spot of note, and Kasanka National Park is home to several interesting Central African species, such as Ross’s turaco and Böhm’s bee-eater. No birding trip is complete without a boat trip in the Bangweulu Wetlands to look for shoebill. Migratory birds are present from November to April.
Notable Birds in Zambia
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Endemic Birds
(E) endemic = only lives in ZambiaOther Birding Specials–Treats for Avid Birders
Facts & Figures
Best Time for Bird Watching
The best time for birding in Zambia is between November and April. It is the Wet season, also called the ‘Emerald season’, when wetland areas come alive, birds are breeding and big flocks of migrants add to the resident species. Note though that some areas become difficult to access and many lodges are closed in the Wet season.
Best Parks for Birding –Includes Birding Rating
North and South Luangwa National Parks are excellent places to see a variety of raptors and waterbirds. Bangweulu Wetlands is another spot where waterbirds gather, and it’s home to the elusive shoebill as well. Kafue National Park is the best place to look for the endemic black-cheeked lovebird.
- South Luangwa NP
- North Luangwa NP
- Kasanka NP
- Lochinvar NP
- Kafue NP
- Bangweulu Wetlands
Recommended Birding Books
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