User Reviews – |Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld TP
The scenery is very special here. But also not so easy to see all of the wildlife.
Email Sharon du Plessis | 35-50 years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
The stunning landscape and scenery, arid tolerant plants make it an unforgettable place.
Email Sumarie Slabber | 35-50 years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
One of my favorite places on earth, but this arid wilderness is not everybody's cup of tea.
Email Raffaella | 35-50 years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
One of my favorite place where to find strange plants and to see excellent landascape
Email rudyerasmus | 65+ years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
Area is a High Desert Reserve, with special Aloe"A pillansi" and Pachypodium Plants,"Halfmens" , as well as scarce succulents only to be found here, in Beautiful Valleys , and Rocky Out crops , along the Orange, "Gariep", River
Again the very natural beauty abounds. Man has not destroyed what nature has created.