User Reviews – |Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld TP
Again the very natural beauty abounds. Man has not destroyed what nature has created.
Email rudyerasmus | 65+ years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
Area is a High Desert Reserve, with special Aloe"A pillansi" and Pachypodium Plants,"Halfmens" , as well as scarce succulents only to be found here, in Beautiful Valleys , and Rocky Out crops , along the Orange, "Gariep", River
Email Raffaella | 35-50 years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
One of my favorite place where to find strange plants and to see excellent landascape
Email Sumarie Slabber | 35-50 years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
One of my favorite places on earth, but this arid wilderness is not everybody's cup of tea.
Email Sharon du Plessis | 35-50 years of age | Experience level: over 5 safaris
The stunning landscape and scenery, arid tolerant plants make it an unforgettable place.
The scenery is very special here. But also not so easy to see all of the wildlife.