​Birds – Ankarana SR

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Insight guide to Madagascar.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

Philip is the author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

Ankarana Special Reserve’s checklist of more than 90 bird species includes a large number of Madagascar endemics. Some birds to look out for are the lesser vasa parrot, Madagascar crested ibis and Madagascar pygmy kingfisher. Blue vanga and sickle-billed vanga are just two of the many vanga species that occur in the reserve. A noteworthy phenomenon of Ankarana is that insect-eating species are quite often seen foraging together in mixed bird parties.

Notable Birds in Ankarana SR
Blue vanga
Crested coua
Lesser vasa parrot
Madagascar paradise flycatcher
Sickle-billed vanga

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Birding Specials Treats for Avid Birders

Facts & Figures

Birds in Ankarana SR
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

Bird watching in Ankarana is good throughout the year. However, many birds tend to be silent and inactive from May to August in the Dry season (May to October). The Wet season (November to April) is the best time for bird watching, but the wettest months from January to March can be difficult to travel in. So, as a compromise, the ideal time is perhaps from September to December, before the heavy rains start. Migratory birds are present in the wet summer months from November to April.

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Birding Rating

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    0.0/5 0 Birding Reviews

Facts & Figures

Birds in Ankarana SR
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr