​Getting There – Bemaraha NP

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the guide to Madagascar.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Lonely Planet guide to Madagascar.

Anthony is the author of the Lonely Planet guide to Madagascar.

Your point of entry to Madagascar will probably be Ivato International Airport (TNR) in the capital city of Antananarivo (Tana). Your tour operator will most likely pick you up from the airport and handle all further transportation.

Bemaraha National Park can be difficult to get to. The access town is Bekopaka, which can only be reached in the drier months – from April (or sometimes May) to late November – by road from Morondava. The distance is 190km/118mi and the drive takes up to 10 hours*.

Madagascar Airlines has scheduled flights from Antananarivo to Morondava, which is on many traveler itineraries as the base for visiting the popular Avenue des Baobabs.

Domestic flights (chartered or scheduled) will typically be organized by your tour operator.

*Driving times are only a rough indication. You should always consider the possibility of significant delays.

31 Bemaraha Tours

Airlines & Ticket Prices

Check Skyscanner to see which airlines can take you to Ivato International Airport (TNR), and what tickets would cost.

Passport, Visa & Other Entry Requirements

Please check our Getting There – Madagascar page to learn more about passport, visa and other entry requirements.

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31 Bemaraha Tours