Birds – Berenty Reserve

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the guide to Madagascar.
Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Lonely Planet guide to Madagascar.
Anthony is the author of the Lonely Planet guide to Madagascar.
With more than 100 species recorded in a small area, Berenty Private Reserve is a very rewarding birding destination. Many waterbirds can be found along the banks of the Mandrare River, while the spiny forest is a great spot to look for some of the dry-country specials. Night outings are useful to look for owls, such as the Madagascar scops owl, white-browed owl and Torotoroka scops owl. The elusive Madagascar cuckoo hawk also can be seen in the area.
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Birding Specials –Treats for Avid Birders
Facts & Figures
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr
Best Time for Bird Watching
Bird watching in Berenty is excellent throughout the year, but the best time is from September to April. This is because many birds tend to be quieter and less active in the dry cool months from May to August. Migratory birds from Europe and North Africa are present in the wet summer months from November to April.
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