​Wildlife & Animals – Berenty Reserve

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Insight guide to Madagascar.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

Philip is the author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

Berenty is a great place to observe and photograph some key species. The very habituated ring-tailed lemurs are very common, even around the lodge. Also numerous and relaxed are the red-fronted and red-collared brown lemurs and their hybrid babies. Night walks in the spiny forest offer a chance to see the white-footed sportive lemur and the diminutive grey mouse lemur.

Wildlife Highlights

Verreaux's sifakas are delightful to watch when they leap in a dancing fashion across treeless areas. As they prefer to stay up in trees, this behavior is rarely seen in other parks. Aside from cuddly lemurs, the reserve is a great place to see the Madagascar flying fox. In fact, Berenty is known to be home to the largest fruit bat colony in southern Africa.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Berenty can be visited throughout the year – the sanctuary is very accessible and trails are easy and flat. The wettest months from December to March tend to be hot and humid and are better avoided. The lemurs are around at any time, but reptiles and some mammals are less active during the coldest months from June to August. April is a special time to see ring-tailed lemurs ‘stink-fighting’ (competing for mates).

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