These unmistakable waterbirds seem ludicrously proportioned, especially when flying overhead, dangling their long legs and neck. Two species flamingos occur in southern Africa: the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) is the larger and has a black tip to its pale bill; the lesser flamingo (Phoenicopterus minor) is smaller pinker, with a dark red bill. Their huge gatherings in the soda lakes of the rift valley are among the world’s most impressive wildlife spectacles. Below are five fascinating facts about flamingos.

  • Flamingos feed with their heads upside-down, scything their bills back and forth underwater to filter minute organisms, and pumping out excess water with their tongues. This is the same basic technique as a whale filtering plankton through its baleen plates.
  • Though the two species often occur together, greater flamingoes feed on larger organisms, whereas lesser flamingoes live almost entirely on blue-green algae, so competition is avoided.
  • Flamingoes on their breeding grounds display in tightly synchronised formation, hundreds of birds switching their heads from side to side in a ‘flag dance’ and ‘saluting’ with bright scarlet wings.
  • Despite their gangly appearance, flamingoes can swim well when out of their wading depth.
  • Flamingos obtain their pinkness from pigments called carotenoids, which are found in the tiny crustaceans on which they feed. In captivity they require a special diet in order to retain this colouration.


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By Mike Unwin
United Kingdom UK

Mike is an award-winning wildlife writer, former editor of Travel Zambia magazine and author of the Bradt Guide to Southern African Wildlife.

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