5 Fascinating Facts About the Blue Wildebeest
The Blue Wildebeest, a grazing herd animal has achieved fame as the key player in the Serengeti’s ‘Great Migration’, which is routinely described as the greatest animal show on earth...

5 Fascinating Facts About Vultures
These scavenging raptors are the hyenas of the skies, playing a vital ecological clean-up role by disposing of decomposing carcasses. Broad wings allow Vultures to soar...

5 Fascinating Facts About the Eland
The Eland, an ox-like antelope, is the largest in the world and belongs to the ‘spiral-horned’ subfamily, along with the likes of kudu and bushbuck. There are two...

5 Fascinating Facts About Southern Right Whale
The Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena Australis) is best known from South Africa’s Cape, where good numbers arrive during the southern winter from their sub-Antarctic feeding grounds to breed...

5 Fascinating Facts About Brown Hyena
The Brown Hyena is a scruffier-looking and more solitary relative of the spotted hyena and confined to the southwest corner of Africa, frequenting areas where its larger cousin is rare or absent...

5 Fascinating Facts About Plains Zebra
Plains Zebra is the commonest of Africa’s three zebra species and the one familiar to most safari goers, whether it is migrating in thousands across the Serengeti, grazing the bushveld of the Kruger or crowding the dusty...

5 Fascinating Facts About Cape Porcupine
Cape porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) grows up to a metre long and 20kg in weight, this is the world’s largest porcupine and by far the largest rodent in Africa. These dimensions, however, are not as impressive as the sight of the animal itself...

5 Fascinating Facts About Gemsbok (Oryx Gazella)
This powerful, handsome animal – a southern race of East Africa’s oryx – is synonymous with the Kalahari, and a herd of gemsbok cresting a red sand dune is one of the region’s iconic wildlife spectacles. Behind the impressive...

5 Fascinating Facts About Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae)
These unmistakable waterbirds seem ludicrously proportioned, especially when flying overhead, dangling their long legs and neck. Two species occur in southern Africa: the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) is the larger...

5 Interesting Facts About the African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus)
A wild dog sighting is a highlight of any safari. Yet this endangered carnivore was once classified as vermin, reviled for its supposedly ‘cruelty’, and shot on sight by farmers and game wardens alike...