5 Fascinating Facts About the Secretary Bird (Sagitarius Serpentarius)
This is one of Africa’s weirdest birds, strutting about the savannah with the head of an eagle and the legs of a stork. In reality it is a bird of prey, with a family all to itself, and its snake-killing prowess is the stuff of legend.

5 Fascinating Facts About the Nile Crocodile
This massive reptile is probably the most feared predator in Africa – and with good reason: it is one of the very few animals for which human beings regularly feature on the menu.

5 Fascinating Facts About the Honey Badger
Hard-nut or head-case? Either way, this stocky little member of the weasel family has a ferocious reputation that belies its modest size. Known for its tenacity and aggression, even big cats will think twice before taking one on.

5 Fascinating Facts About the Flapneck Chameleon
How much weirdness can you handle in one animal? Chameleons have it all: skin that changes colour, swiveling eyes, an extendable tongue and the head of a dinosaur. No wonder these perfectly harmless lizards excite fear and superstition across rural Africa. This species is one of the most common...

5 Fascinating Facts About the Spotted Hyena
‘Ugly’, ‘cowardly’, ‘thieving’… It seems that nobody has anything good to say about Africa’s commonest large carnivore. Look beyond the popular prejudice, however, and you’ll find a complex, efficient and versatile predator, with some fascinating secrets...

5 Fascinating Facts About the Aardvark
This bizarre creature – the animal that opens every English dictionary – is unlike anything else you might meet on safari. Although fairly common, its shy, nocturnal habits mean that sightings are extremely rare.