5 Fascinating Facts About the Black Rhino
The black rhino is the rarer and smaller of Africa’s two rhino species, and also distinguished from the larger white rhino by its shape, diet and temperament. It is no more ‘black’, however, than its relative is white: both species acquire their colour from the mud in which they wallow, so vary from brown to grey.

5 Fascinating Facts About the Black-backed Jackal
Jackals have never really made the safari A list. Derided in Kipling’s Jungle Book as ‘dish-lickers’, they seldom get the attention they deserve on a Big Five safari. Yet in many areas, these are the most abundant of the mammalian carnivores and the closer you look, the more compelling they become...

Africa's Best Safari Country of 2017
SafariBookings.com has conducted an in-depth analysis of reviews from safari tourists and acclaimed Africa experts to determine the continent’s best country for safaris. And the winner? Tanzania came out on top – the country is the clear winner and has been awarded our best safari country for 2017.

5 Fascinating Facts About the Leopard (Panthera Pardus)
The leopard (after the lion) is the second largest of Africa’s big cats. Of all the celebrated ‘Big Five’ it has perhaps the greatest allure, due to its enigmatic combination of grace, power and elusiveness...

5 Fascinating Facts About the Giraffe
This towering tree-muncher occurs across subSaharan Africa in nine different subspecies. These are distinguished from one another by their different patterns of blotches, but all share the extraordinarily long neck – of course –and many other peculiarities besides.

5 Fascinating Facts About the Common Chimpanzee
Chimpanzees stand alongside gorillas as Africa’s only great apes and are the closest living relatives of humans. The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is the best known of two species – the other being the bonobo, which is smaller...

5 Fascinating Facts About the Shoebill
This huge, grey waterbird, also known as a whale-headed stork, derives its name Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex), from its massive bill, which resembles a traditional Dutch clog, with a sharp nail-like hook on the end...

Africa's Decreasing Elephant Population: Country-by-Country Analysis
The elephant has been an icon of African wildlife for many years. To see one in the wild is often a primary reason for people to do an African safari. But will it be around for many more years?

5 Fascinating Facts About the Nile Monitor
The Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus) is a hefty reptile, also known as the water monitor, and Africa’s longest lizard, sometimes reaching lengths of over 2 metres – of which more than half is tail...

5 Fascinating Facts About the Caracal
The Caracal (Felis caracal) is an elegant, medium-sized cat which is widespread in open country across much of Africa. Elusive and largely nocturnal, it is seldom seen on safari – although smaller reserves in South Africa’s Cape and Karoo have a good reputation for sightings...