​Wildlife & Animals – Lake Bogoria NR

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the guide to Kenya.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Lonely Planet guide to Kenya.

Anthony is the author of the Lonely Planet guide to Kenya.

Unfortunately, overgrazing due to livestock encroachment is a big problem in Lake Bogoria National Reserve, and it only seems to be getting worse: there is very little wildlife to be seen. However, the birding is great and the real draw is the flamingos. Mammals sometimes encountered are impala, dik-dik, zebra, Grant's gazelle and warthog.

LeopardRare to None
HyenaRare to None

Wildlife Highlights

The reserve used to be home to one of Kenya’s last remaining populations of greater kudu, but they’re very rarely seen these days. They’ve either been killed off or driven into cover (or elsewhere) due to increasing human encroachment. If there are any left, dusk and dawn are the best times for a chance encounter.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Lake Bogoria can be visited throughout the year. The flamingos are mostly present year-round, but their numbers vary greatly. When water levels are too high or low, the flamingos can’t feed and they move away. The timing of this isn’t predictable, especially in recent years when water levels have fluctuated greatly from one year to the next.

Wildlife Rating

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Wildlife Rating