​Weather & Climate – Bwabwata NP

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the 'Botswana & Namibia' guide.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

Anthony is the author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

Climate Chart Bwabwata National Park

Climate Chart Bwabwata National Park – 961-1,055m / 3,153-3,461ft

* Averages based on 50 years of monthly climate data, taken from 1km² (0.39mi²) interpolated climate surfaces.
© chart & park data: SafariBookings. © climate grid data: WorldClim project. All rights reserved.

The climate in Bwabwata National Park is quite hot. Rain comes by way of intense thunderstorms. Summer (November to April) is the Wet season, while the Dry season (May to October) is characterized by no rain at all.

Bwabwata Safaris

Dry Season May to October – Winter

This time is characterized by an absence of rain and cold temperatures. Drought increases with the progression of winter.

  • May, June, July & August – This is a time of drought, cool temperatures and abundant sun. Temperatures average 27°C/81°F most afternoons. The early mornings are cold with temperatures hovering around 10°C/50°F. Game drives in open vehicles require warm, windproof clothing.
  • September & October – Temperatures increase. October averages 34°C/93°F and peak temperatures can be much higher. Early mornings are warmer, reaching around 20°C/68°F. Rains generally start toward the end of October or in early November.

Wet Season November to April – Summer

With the heat of summer comes the Wet season, which actually doesn’t produce much rain. Afternoon thunderstorms occur sporadically and it is primarily sunny and hot. Early mornings are characterized by warmer temperatures, averaging about 16°C/60°F.

  • November & December – November is generally the first month of rain, with precipitation really picking up in December. Although it is fairly dry for the most part, an occasional thundershower can happen. Afternoon temperatures are around 34°C/93°F.
  • January & February & March – The wettest months are typically January and February. It is mostly sunny with afternoon thundershowers. Daytime temperatures average 35°C/95°F.
  • April – April is characterized by a drop-off in rain and lower temperatures.

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