​Malaria & Safety – Kapama GR

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many guidebooks to African destinations, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip is the author of many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip is author of ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.


Kapama Game Reserve can be safely visited. All parks and reserves in South Africa are virtually free of crime. However, when visiting cities in South Africa, normal urban safety precautions should be taken. Read ‘Cities & Other Urban Areas: Safety Precautions’ below for more information. When following these precautions, you shouldn’t have any crime issues during your visit.

For current information about safety in South Africa in general, please check the government travel advisories (see the ‘Safety & Security – South Africa’ link below).

Malaria & Vaccinations

During the wet months of October through April (summertime) there is a small risk of contracting malaria in Kapama and the Greater Kruger area in general. Precautions against malaria include taking antimalarials and using mosquito repellent (those containing DEET are most effective). Several vaccinations are also advisable when traveling to South Africa. Consult with your nearest travel clinic.

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife viewing is very safe as long as you listen to the advice given by your guide. Incidents with wild animals are extremely rare. For more information, please read the ‘Wildlife Viewing Safety Precautions’ below.

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