​Birds – Katavi NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Bradt guide to Tanzania.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.

Philip is the author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.

Katavi National Park is mainly visited in the Dry season, which isn’t the best time for birding, though large numbers of herons, lapwings and other waterbirds frequent the rivers at any time of year. Yellow-billed stork and saddle-billed stork are plentiful, and spectacular concentrations of black-crowned night heron can be seen at Ikuu Bridge between June and September. Raptors are well represented, with African fish eagle, bateleur and white-backed vulture being very common. More than 400 species have been recorded, and migratory birds are present from November to April.

Notable Birds in Katavi NP
African fish eagle
Lilac-breasted roller
Saddle-billed stork
Yellow-billed stork
Yellow-throated sandgrouse

Birding Rating

Birding Specials Treats for Avid Birders

Facts & Figures

Birds in Katavi NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

The birdlife in Katavi is good year-round, but at its best from November to April when Palearctic and intra-African migrants are present. This coincides with the Wet season. At this time, many resident bird species are nesting and are in breeding plumage. The problem, however, is that many roads become hard to travel after continuous rain. As a result, most camps close for part or all of the period from November to May. For wildlife viewing, July to October, which is the middle and end of the Dry season, is considerably better.

Want To Visit Katavi NP?

Katavi Safaris

Birding Rating

Facts & Figures

Birds in Katavi NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr