Wet season photos, images & pictures of Kenya

Buffalo bull in Aberdare National Park

Elephants in front of Mt Kilimanjaro in Amboseli National Park

Giraffes fighting in Tsavo East National Park

Leopard in Meru National Park

Beautiful view of the mountain range in Aberdares

Elephants in a green marsh in Amboseli National Park

Portrait of a lioness in Samburu National Reserve

Defassa waterbuck on the shore of Lake Naivasha in Crescent Island Game Park

Impala breeding herd in Hell’s Gate National Park

Grevy's zebra in Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Laikipia Plateau

White rhino in Laikipia Plateau

Black rhino with young in Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Laikipia Plateau

Defassa waterbuck in Laikipia Plateau

Hildebrandt's starling in Laikipia Plateau

Flamingos in flight in Lake Bogoria National Reserve

Waterbuck standing in the water in Lake Naivasha

Back and white colobus at Elsamere Lodge in Lake Naivasha

Elephant in Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Grevy's zebra in Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

Male impala in Lewa Wildlife Conservancy