​Wildlife & Animals – Khaudum NP

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the 'Botswana & Namibia' guide.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

Anthony is the author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

For those who are well equipped and experienced, Khaudum National Park offers adventurous wildlife viewing. Most big safari animals are present but not easily seen and predators are present in good numbers. Lions are sometimes spotted and this is one of the strongholds for wild dogs, but you have to be lucky to see them. Giraffe, zebra and blue wildebeest are common, and elephants are particularly abundant in the Dry season (May to October) when they migrate from neighboring Botswana.

Wild DogOccasional

Wildlife Highlights

There is a good variety of antelope in Khaudum. Some are commonly seen throughout Namibia, such as greater kudu, gemsbok, steenbok and duiker. But others are more unusual, like the fast-running tsessebe and the endangered roan and sable antelope. Red hartebeest is also occasionally sighted. Of the smaller predators, side-striped jackal is quite common in the park.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Khaudum is best visited in the Dry season (May to October). During this time, herds of elephant migrate into the park from neighboring Botswana, and animals are generally easier to see. During the Wet season (November to April), wildlife disperses and the vegetation tends to be thicker, which makes animals harder to spot. Roads can become impassable.

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