​Wildlife & Animals – Kibale NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Bradt guide to Uganda.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Bradt guide to Uganda.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Bradt guidebook to Uganda.

Philip is the author of the Bradt guidebook to Uganda.

The chimpanzee community visited by trackers in Kibale National Park is the most habituated in Uganda and sightings can be excellent. Primate diversity in the park is the highest in East Africa, with 13 species identified. Olive baboon, black-and-white colobus, red-tailed monkey, Ugandan red colobus and Uganda mangabey are all regularly observed. Nocturnal primates include potto and three different species of bush baby.

LionVery Rare
LeopardVery Rare

Wildlife Highlights

Kibale is one of only five places where Ugandan red colobus has been recorded, and it supports the world’s largest population of this endangered monkey. It is also an important stronghold for the endemic Uganda mangabey. Other seldom-seen forest dwellers include elephant, buffalo, giant forest hog, warthog, bushpig, bushbuck, blue duiker and Weyns’s duiker. Leopards are probably resident and lions might occasionally venture across from Queen Elizabeth National Park. Smaller forest carnivores include palm civet and golden cat.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

The driest months of January, February, June and July are best for chimp trekking. May and December are also good. The park stays open throughout the year, however, and the success rate is almost as high in other months. In heavy rain, the trails might be difficult to walk and the overall experience might be compromised.

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