​Malaria & Safety – Kirindy Forest

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the guide to Madagascar.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Lonely Planet guide to Madagascar.

Anthony is the author of the Lonely Planet guide to Madagascar.


Kirindy Forest is a safe destination in our opinion. In fact, all parks and reserves in Madagascar are considered safe to visit on an organized tour. Nearly all are safe for independent travel too, including Kirindy Forest. There is some crime in the cities, as is the case all over the world. Read ‘Cities & Urban Areas: Safety Precautions’ below for more information.

The access road to the reserve can deteriorate after heavy rain from December to March. Seek local advice before heading out there by yourself during that time.

For current information about safety in Madagascar, check the government travel advisories (see the ‘Governments’ Travel Advice for Madagascar’ link below).

Malaria & Vaccinations

Consult your doctor or travel clinic about recommended vaccinations before coming to Madagascar. Malaria is a concern throughout the country, and the risk is highest during the Wet season (November to March). Take antimalarials, use mosquito repellent (those containing DEET are most effective) and cover up in the evening to reduce the risk of being bitten.

Wildlife Viewing

There are no dangerous mammals in Madagascar. Although fossas are the largest predators in the country, they pose no threat to people. Even so, avoid crowding them or otherwise getting too close. Madagascar has some beautiful snakes and all of them are non-venomous. There are some venomous spiders and scorpions on the island, but bites are extremely rare.

For more information, please read the ‘Wildlife Viewing Safety Precautions’ below.

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