Despite its small size, landlocked Lesotho has more than 350 birds recorded. The whole country has an altitude of more than 1,000m/3,280ft, so the main birding interest lies in the mountain specials. Drakensberg siskin and Drakensberg rockjumper are endemic to the Drakensberg Mountains. Other specials include Drakensberg prinia, yellow-breasted pipit and buff-streaked chat. Cape vultures and jackal buzzards nest on the cliffs, and the country is one of the best places in southern Africa to see the sought-after bearded vulture.
Notable Birds in Lesotho
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Endemic & Near-endemic Birds
(NE) near-endemic = lives in Lesotho and neighboring countriesOther Birding Specials–Treats for Avid Birders
Facts & Figures
Best Time for Bird Watching
Many of Lesotho’s special birds are resident and can be seen throughout the year, but the best time for birding is from November to April, when the migratory birds from Europe and northern Africa are present. At this time, many birds are nesting and are in breeding plumage too.
Recommended Birding Books
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