​Birds – Mahale Mountains NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Bradt guide to Tanzania.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.

Philip is the author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.

Although 398 bird species have been recorded in Mahale Mountains National Park to date, the checklist is likely to top 400 when complete. Forest birds are very well represented but often quite difficult to spot, and the lake hosts a wide variety of waterbirds. Conspicuous birds include palm-nut vulture, giant kingfisher and crested guineafowl. Migratory birds are present from November to April.

Notable Birds in Mahale Mountains NP
African fish eagle
Crested guineafowl
Giant kingfisher
Palm-nut vulture
Vieillot’s black weaver

Birding Rating

Birding Specials Treats for Avid Birders

Facts & Figures

Birds in Mahale Mountains NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

In general, birdlife is plentiful year-round, but the best time for birding is from November to April. During these months, you can see resident birds in their breeding plumage, as well as Palearctic and intra-African migrants. From March to April, the rains can make birding difficult because forest trails become slippery. Chimp trekking is better in the Dry season, from May to October (but especially from August onward), since the chimps are easier to find then.

Want To Visit Mahale Mountains NP?

Mahale Mountains Chimp Tours

Birding Rating

Facts & Figures

Birds in Mahale Mountains NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr