​Malaria & Safety – Lake Manyara NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Bradt guide to Tanzania.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.

Philip is the author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.


Lake Manyara National Park sees high volumes of visitors who safely enjoy the park’s diverse wildlife. There is some crime in towns and cities, so normal precautions should be taken when visiting urban centers during your trip (see ‘Cities & Urban Areas: Safety Precautions’ below). The vast majority of travelers don’t have any crime-related incidents during their visit.

Malaria & Vaccinations

You need to protect against malaria when visiting Lake Manyara. Use mosquito repellent (those containing DEET are most effective) and cover exposed skin in the evening. You should take antimalarial medication too. Several vaccinations are recommended. Consult with your doctor or travel clinic before traveling.

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife viewing is very safe as long as you stick to the park’s rules and follow your guide’s instructions. More safety recommendations are available by reading the ‘Wildlife Viewing Safety Precautions’ below.

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