​Malaria & Safety – Mkomazi NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Bradt guide to Tanzania.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.

Philip is the author of the Bradt guidebook to Tanzania.


Traveling to and within Mkomazi National Park is safe in our opinion. Crime toward travelers is rare in Tanzania, and especially so in the country’s wildlife areas. As is the case throughout the world, the crime that does occur mostly happens in urban centers. Normal safety precautions should be taken in towns and cities (see ‘Cities & Urban Areas: Safety Precautions’ below). However, you’ll be shielded from potential problems when on an organized tour.

Malaria & Vaccinations

Malaria is present in Mkomazi, so you need to protect yourself against this. We recommend taking antimalarial medicine and wearing mosquito repellent (those containing DEET work best). Consider covering up in the evening too. Several vaccinations are recommended when traveling to Mkomazi. Seek out your local health-care professional for advice before your trip.

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife viewing is very safe as long as you follow the advice of your guide. Self-drive visitors must know the rules of the park and stay inside their vehicle unless they are in areas where they are allowed to get out. Also, take note of the ‘Wildlife Viewing Safety Precautions’ below.

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