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Mokolodi Nature Reserve Best Time To Visit

By Anthony Ham
Anthony is the author of the Botswana & Namibia Lonely Planet guide.

Excellent    Good    Fair    Poor

Wildlife viewing in Mokolodi Nature Reserve isn’t that affected by the seasons and rainfall pattern, as is the case in other reserves, because it is small and contained. However, afternoon game drives may be interrupted by rain in the Wet season, from October to April, and during these months, a 4x4 will be necessary for self-drive visitors. The reserve sometimes closes from December to March.

Best Time May to September (Dry season)
High Season Never (The reserve isn't influenced by the usual tourist seasons)
Low Season Never (The reserve isn't influenced by the usual tourist seasons)
Best Weather April to May and September to October (Mild weather and little rainfall)
Worst Weather May to August (Chilly mornings and nights) and December to February (Hot with afternoon rain)

May to September Dry Season – Winter

October to April Wet Season – Summer

Best Time To Go by Major Park

Excellent    Good    Fair    Poor

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