​Birds – Mountain Zebra NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many guidebooks to African destinations, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip is the author of many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Philip is author of ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.

Of 277 bird species recorded in Mountain Zebra NP, as many as 20 are endemic to southern Africa and don’t occur outside the region. It is quite possible to check off 100 species, many of them of special interest, in a three-day stay. The impressive Verreaux’s eagle and jackal buzzard can often be seen soaring over the mountains, while the martial eagle is more likely to be seen perched on a tall tree. Interesting grassland species include blue crane and Ludwig’s bustard.

Notable Birds in Mountain Zebra NP
Blue crane
Locally common
Common ostrich
Jackal buzzard
Martial eagle
Secretary bird

Birding Rating

Birding Specials Treats for Avid Birders

(E) endemic = only lives in South Africa
(NE) near-endemic = lives in South Africa and neighboring countries

Facts & Figures

Birds in Mountain Zebra NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

Since migrants from Europe and northern Africa are present from November to April, this is the peak time for bird watching, although it is good most of the year. The winter months, from May to September, get very cold.

Want To Visit Mountain Zebra NP?

Mountain Zebra Operators

Birding Rating

Facts & Figures

Birds in Mountain Zebra NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr