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Malaria & Safety – Mountain Zebra NP

Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many guidebooks to African destinations, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.
Philip lives in South Africa and has authored many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.
Philip is the author of many Africa guidebooks, including ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.
Philip is author of ‘The Rough Guide to Game Parks of South Africa’.
In our opinion, travel within Mountain Zebra National Park is risk-free. There is some crime in towns and cities, so normal precautions should be taken when visiting urban centers on your trip (see ‘Cities & Other Urban Areas: Safety Precautions’ below). Very few people visiting South Africa have any incidents during their visit.
For up-to-date information about safety in South Africa, it’s worth reading the government travel advisories (see the ‘Safety & Security – South Africa’ link below).
- General Travel Safety Precautions
- Cities & Urban Areas: Safety Precautions
- Safety & Security – South Africa
- Governments' Travel Advice for South Africa
Malaria-free & Vaccinations
If you will not be visiting the Kruger Park part of the country, where malaria is present during summer, there is no need to take antimalarials. Mountain Zebra National Park is in a malaria-free zone. Consult your nearest travel clinic for further advice and vaccinations.
Wildlife Viewing
Wildlife viewing is very safe as long as you follow your guide’s instructions. Self-drive visitors should make themselves familiar with the park’s rules. More safety recommendations are available by reading ‘Wildlife Viewing Safety Precautions’ below.