​Birds – Mudumu NP

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the 'Botswana & Namibia' guide.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

Anthony is the author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

Mudumu offers first-rate bird watching. The variety of habitats (the wetland especially) is a magnet for birdlife; over 400 bird species have been recorded. The Kwando River attracts colonies of the colorful carmine bee-eaters in the summer months as well as the rare coppery-tailed coucal. Flocks of African skimmers can be seen flying over the water and a pair of African fish eagle, bellowing their distinctive calls, is never far off. Migratory birds are present from November to April.

Notable Birds in Mudumu NP
African jacana
Bradfield’s hornbill
Collared palm-thrush
Rufous-bellied heron
Southern carmine bee-eater
Common migrant

Birding Rating

Birding Specials Treats for Avid Birders

Facts & Figures

Birds in Mudumu NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

Birdlife is at its most abundant in the Wet season, from November to April, when you have the chance to see the summer migrants. However, roads can become very bad due to the wet, marshy conditions. A visit during the Dry season (May-October) is more practical.

Want To Visit Mudumu NP?

Mudumu Safaris

Birding Rating

Facts & Figures

Birds in Mudumu NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr