​Birds – Lake Nakuru NP

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the guide to Kenya.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Lonely Planet guide to Kenya.

Anthony is the author of the Lonely Planet guide to Kenya.

Lake Nakuru National Park’s rich birdlife includes more than 450 species. At times, hundreds of thousands of flamingos tinge the lake shallows pink, a truly spectacular phenomenon. In recent years, however, flamingo numbers have often been disappointingly low. A more reliable sight is the countless pelicans and storks that roost close to Rhino Point on the southeast shore. Nakuru is a good place to look for the near-endemic grey-crested helmet-shrike. A colony of colorful white-fronted bee-eaters nests in a low sandy cliff 1km/0.7mi east of Makalia Falls. Common raptors include long-crested eagle, African fish eagle, augur buzzard and black-winged kite.

Notable Birds in Lake Nakuru NP
Great white pelican
Greater flamingo
Lesser flamingo
Long-crested eagle
Yellow-billed stork

Birding Rating

Birding Specials Treats for Avid Birders

(NE) near-endemic = lives in Kenya and neighboring countries

Facts & Figures

Birds in Lake Nakuru NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

Lake Nakuru offers good year-round bird watching. The number of its famous flamingos varies greatly, influenced more by long-term fluctuations in water level and salinity than by season. That said, in any given year, flamingo numbers are likely to be highest when the lake retreats toward the end of the Dry season (June to February). Otherwise, the best time for birders is from November to March. At this time, you’ll enjoy good weather, the presence of migrants (November to April) and the sight of breeding birds in their finest plumage.

Want To Visit Lake Nakuru NP?

1,059 Lake Nakuru Safaris

Birding Rating

Facts & Figures

Birds in Lake Nakuru NP
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr