​Birds – Namibia

Anthony Ham
By Anthony Ham

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of many Lonely Planet guidebooks, including the 'Botswana & Namibia' guide.

Anthony is a renowned Africa expert and author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

Anthony is the author of the 'Botswana & Namibia' Lonely Planet guide.

With nearly 700 species recorded, many of them seasonal, Namibia doesn’t have as many resident birds as some other African destinations. However, the arid habitat is home to a high number of dry-country specials that can be hard to see elsewhere. Although the dune lark is Namibia’s only endemic species, there are many near-endemics, which are easier to see here than in neighboring countries. The Palearctic migrants are present from November to April.

Notable Birds in Namibia
Great white pelican
Locally common
Greater kestrel
Monteiro’s hornbill
Locally common & near-endemic
Pale chanting goshawk
Shaft-tailed whydah

Birding Rating

Endemic & Near-endemic Birds

(E) endemic = only lives in Namibia
(NE) near-endemic = lives in Namibia and neighboring countries

Other Birding SpecialsTreats for Avid Birders

Facts & Figures

Birds in Namibia
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr

Best Time for Bird Watching

The birdlife in Namibia is at its best from November to April, when migratory birds from Europe and Asia are present. At this time, many resident species are nesting and displaying their breeding plumage. After good rains, the pans in Etosha National Park and elsewhere in the Kalahari Desert become a hot spot for waterbirds, including flocks of flamingo. Rains are mostly short showers in the afternoon and rarely have a negative impact on your trip. For general wildlife viewing, the Dry season (May to October) is better.

Best Parks for Birding Includes Birding Rating

Etosha National Park is home to 340 bird species and is one of Namibia’s birding hot spots. The parks in the Zambezi Region (formerly Caprivi Strip) offer bird-rich habitats, with an impressive selection of Okavango Delta specials.

Recommended Birding Books

  • Roberts Bird Guide (2nd edition; book)
    This best-selling field guide is comprehensive for Namibia.

    Hugh Chittenden, Greg Davies and Ingrid Weiersbye
  • Roberts Bird Guide (2nd edition; app)
    Upgrade on the book, with extra info and birdcall recordings.

    Hugh Chittenden, Greg Davies and Ingrid Weiersbye
  • Sasol Birds of Southern Africa (book and app)
    Great field guide with full Namibia coverage.

    Ian Sinclair et al.
  • Pocket Guide: Birds of Namibia
    Illustrates and describes 340 common or striking birds.

    Ian Sinclair and Joris Komen

Want To Visit Namibia?

126 Namibia Safaris

Birding Rating

Facts & Figures

Birds in Namibia
Bird Species
Migratory Birds
Nov to Apr