SafariBookings has received complaints from clients about Pearl of Africa Tours and Travel.
Reservations and Payment:

When booking your holiday direct with Pearl of Africa Tours and Travel (PATT) or with your travel agent, please quote the tour number provided or your own specialized itinerary, intended date for arrival and departure, number of people traveling in your party, sleeping arrangements and flight details, if known. This ensures that all arrangements are made to your complete satisfaction.

Please note that for safaris that include gorilla trekking, advance bookings of at least twelve weeks are strongly recommended. Cancellations may allow for shorter term bookings, but it is strongly advised to book well in advance if specific dates are needed. Children under fifteen are not allowed to trek the gorillas.

A 50% deposit is required ten weeks before intended departure or at the time of booking with the balance to be settled thirty days prior to commencement of the tour. On issuance of a PATT official receipt or e-mail confirmation, your booking is confirmed. Reservations made within thirty days of departure require the total amount due to be paid at the time of confirmation.

With managers' approval, credit card payments can be made with a 7-9% surcharge. In Kampala cash payments are accepted in any foreign convertible currency and in Uganda Shillings. Travelers Cheques (TCs) are also accepted with a USD$20 surcharge.

Unless otherwise stated, tour prices quoted are ex-Kampala and include transport with fuel and driver/guide, accommodation, meals on safari, National Park and activity fees associated with your itinerary.

Clients will be directly responsible for: airfare to/from Uganda, visa fees if applicable, airport transfers, meals and accommodation in Kampala, transport in and around Kampala, supplemental activities not included in the itinerary, refreshments and beverages (between meal snacks, alcohol, other refreshments), personal items (porterage, telephone calls and souvenirs), tips and gratuities. Coffee and tea are usually available with meals in upcountry properties and drinking water may be provided. It is advisable to always check what is included in menu prices.

All bookings are subject to availability.


Refunds are given on written cancellations within sixty days prior to commencement. Refunds are calculated after deduction of cancellation fees levied by hotels, lodges and banks. Terms differ with providers but generally there is a 50% charge on cancellations with 14-35 days, 75% charge with 2-24 days, and no refund for cancellations of forty-eight hours or less.

PATT reserves the right to deduct all expenses incurred from any advance payments made. There will be no refund on utilized services once the tour has commenced. Gorilla permits are non-refundable but are transferable under some circumstances.

While every effort will be made by PATT, to ensure all bookings and arrangements are completed to the client's full satisfaction, PATT cannot accept liability for any injury, damage or delay caused directly by hotels, restaurants, transport carriers or any other service agency or company with whom bookings have been made.

Alteration of Tour:

PATT reserves the right to alter any route or arrangement or to cancel the operation of any scheduled tour should political or environmental conditions necessitate. PATT reserves the right to decline, accept or retain any member of a tour at any time. Should you fail to join a tour by the required departure time or leave prior to its completion, PATT bears no responsibility of any additional transportation, accommodation or any other service to such individual(s). No refunds will be made for client failure to attend or complete a booked tour.

Transfer of Booking:

In the event you are unable to travel due to extraordinary circumstances, we may transfer your booking to another party provided the arrangements remain the same, and provided that suppliers (airlines, hotels, etc) are all ready to accept the transfer. Gorilla permits are transferable only in a few instances and this should not be expected.

Mode of Payment:

All prices are quoted in US Dollars. You may pay by cash or TCs to PATT, or your travel agent. Foreign currency cheques, TT’s and payment by credit card are accepted, subject to bank charges at the prevailing rates at the time of transaction. Local currency is accepted at the current PATT dollar buying rate. Cheques and TC’s may incur service charges.


The mode of transport utilized will be dependent on the number of clients, route taken and/or the specifications of the chosen itinerary. All vehicles will be properly maintained and in good working order with full registration and licenses appropriate displayed.

Most safaris use 4WD minibuses (up to nine passengers) with pop-up tops and seven window seats for game viewing. Small group safaris (three or less) can be executed in 4WD station wagons. We also use 4WD long chassis land cruisers. Group of twelve and more people who would like to travel in one vehicle are offered 25-29 seat coasters that have about 16 window seats. Overland trucks and 14 seater minibuses are available on request.

VIP visitors can request luxury 4WD station wagons, 7 seat minibuses and limousines.

Fully trained and experienced English speaking driver/guides will accompany every safari car hire.


Based on twin bed rooms or tents with private bathrooms where possible. Single rooms may be available with the payment of a supplemental fee but cannot always be guaranteed. Single room and double bed requirements should be specified in advance to avoid disappointment.

Tour Price:

The prices quoted are inclusive of all transportation as per the itinerary, park entrance fees, activities noted in the itinerary, permits where applicable, driver allowances and third party insurance. The rates are not inclusive of accommodation and meals while in Kampala, traveler’s insurance, local departure taxes, visa fees, gratuities, beverages, telephone calls, laundry and other personal expenses.
NB: Add book price of Gorilla USD 600 per person and Chimps USD 150 per person

Travel Insurance/Personal Injury:

You are advised to buy travel insurance before coming to Uganda. Local evacuation coverage is available in the unlikely event of a medical emergency. PATT can arrange this for you if requested at the time of booking. Clients participation in any activities during your visit will be at the clients own risk and PATT cannot accept any liability for injury or accident.

Medical Requirements:

Bookings made with PATT client certification is assumed that all members of the travel party are in good health and have no specific medical or dietary requirements. PATT cannot assume liability for any medical care or special dietary requirements. All clients must be fully responsible for their own fully international medical insurance coverage with evacuation. Clients are responsible for any specific medications they might need.


All bookings are accepted on the specific condition that PATT and its agents act only as agents in all matters relating to hotel/lodge accommodations, tours, transport, etc. PATT cannot accept liability for injury, delay, loss or damage in any manner whatsoever.

PATT reserves the right to employ subcontractors to carry out all or part of the services agreed to be supplied. All claims are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Uganda.

Finally, whilst every care is taken, PATT cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to baggage. Please guard your valuables and maintain vigilance while on safari in Uganda as you would elsewhere.


Contrary to Western style terms and conditions, most services in Uganda are paid for in cash prior to departure. Local conditions make cash refunds problematic if inconsistencies are not solved on site.

Please let the driver/guide know immediately if you are inconvenienced in any way during your trip. Many issues can be resolved either by the driver/guide or by the head office. A Senior member of staff is on call 24 hours a day to help resolve issues that may arise.

If the client has an unresolved complaint, a written statement with details should be delivered to the Executive Director of PATT not later than 30 days following completion of the trip, failing which no claim may be brought against PATT.

Viewing Animals:

When it comes to game viewing, please be advised there are no guarantees. It is a privilege to see animals in their natural habitat. Take only a photograph; leave only a footprint.

Chimpanzee Tracking:

Children under 12 are not allowed to track chimpanzees.

Gorilla Tracking:

A gorilla permit guarantees you will track gorillas but does not guarantee that the gorillas be in plain sight. Pre-tracking briefings will be given by Park Rangers and rules and regulations must be strictly adhered to. PATT bears no responsibility for individuals rejected or terminated early from tracking by Park Authorities.

Anyone with signs of communicable disease will not be allowed to track the gorillas. A minimum age restriction of 15 years applies.


  • All corporate and/or tour info is provided by Pearl of Africa Tours and Travel, not SafariBookings
  • The tours offered by Pearl of Africa Tours and Travel are subject to their terms & conditions