Terms and Conditions
1. Scope, conclusion of the travel contract

The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the legal relationship between the customer and TANGER SAFARIS & CULTURES LIMITED, hereinafter TANGER SAFARIS.
TANGER SAFARIS, based in Arusha, Tanzania, provides the customer with its services as a tour operator exclusively under the following conditions (GTC) expressly acknowledges by placing the booking request or accepting the services. By placing a booking request, the customer declares acceptance of the GTC.
With the booking request (travel registration), the customer offers TANGER SAFARIS the binding conclusion of the travel contract. This offer is based on the respective travel descriptions on the homepage of TANGER SAFARIS and any individual components of the itinerary agreed with the customer.
The booking request can be made via the online booking form or in written form by email. A telephone booking request is excluded. TANGER SAFARIS will confirm receipt of the Customer’s booking request electronically to the mail address provided by the Customer. This confirmation of receipt does not constitute confirmation of acceptance of the booking order.
The customer is bound for 14 days to his offer to conclude the travel contract submitted with the booking.
The travel contract is concluded with the express acceptance by TANGER SAFARIS about the realization of the selected trip (conclusion of contract). Due to the individual composition of the trip, TANGER SAFARIS requires an individual consultation with the partners for each booking, so that a period of up to 14 days may elapse between the customer’s booking request and the binding confirmation by TANGER SAFARIS.
If the content of the booking confirmation differs from the content of the booking request, TANGER SAFARIS has made a new offer, to which TANGER SAFARIS is bound for a period of 10 days. The contract is concluded on the basis of this new offer if the customer declares acceptance within the commitment period by express written declaration by email, deposit or final payment to TANGER SAFARIS.

2. Obligations of TANGER SAFARIS, availability of the service

It is expressly pointed out that according to the provisions and own responsibilities of the respective partners on site, a service can be refused if it is not ensured that the performance of the service does not pose a considerable danger to life and limb of the customer (e.g. health restrictions of the customer).
TANGER SAFARIS offers trips in areas where, in contrast to Central Europe, different moral and moral values can be found. In order to ensure the development of sustainable tourism, the participants are required to behave as far as possible, not contrary to local values, and in particular to follow the instructions of the tour guide. Such information can be used, for example represent the clothing to be chosen by the participants (shoulder covering) or the commandment not to drink alcohol in public. If a tour participant does not comply with such express instructions of the tour guide, the tour participant may be partially or completely excluded from the respective tour itinery
Should changes become necessary due to changes not yet known at the time of booking confirmation with regard to the itinerary, the available accommodation or tour itineraries, changes are only possible if this is provided for in the contract, the change is insignificant, the travel participant has been informed about the change and the change has been declared before the start of the trip. The day of departure is the day of departure in the customer’s country of origin.
In the event of a significant change to an essential travel service, the customer is entitled to withdraw from the travel contract free of charge or to request participation in a trip of at least equal value, if TANGER SAFARIS is able to offer such a trip from its travel programs at no extra cost to the customer. The customer must assert these rights against TANGER SAFARIS immediately after the declaration by TANGER SAFARIS about the change of the travel service or the cancellation of the trip.

3. Physical disabilities

Due to their original character, the tourism services offered largely require the full physical and mental integrity of the participants. For people with disabilities, participation in tourism services may be difficult or impossible. For this reason, the customer is obliged to inform TANGER SAFARIS of any physical or mental limitations of the person taking the booking, at the latest when placing the booking order. TANGER SAFARIS strives to find a solution in the interests of the customer together with the respective partners.
4. Terms of payment

With the binding booking confirmation, the customer will be informed of the bank details of TANGER SAFARIS, including the payment details. Due to local requirements in the destination country, TANGER SAFARIS maintains a bank account on a US-$ basis. Accordingly, the invoice amount shown in the customer invoice is also in US Dollars.
After conclusion of the contract, an immediate down payment of 30% of the invoice amount is due. Decisive for this is the receipt of payment within 5 working days on the account of TANGER SAFARIS.
The final payment is due 30 days before the start of the trip, provided that the trip can no longer be cancelled for the reason stated in § 9. If there are less than 30 days between booking and the start of the trip, the total price is due for payment immediately. Also in this case, the payment must be received within 5 working days on the account of TANGER SAFARIS.
If the customer does not pay the deposit and/or the final payment in accordance with the agreed payment due dates, TANGER SAFARIS is entitled to withdraw from the travel contract without prior warning and to charge the customer with cancellation costs in accordance with § 6.

5. Price increase

TANGER SAFARIS can only increase the travel price if this is provided for in the contract with precise information on the calculation of the new price and thus takes into account an increase in accommodation and catering costs, taxes or charges for certain services. Price increases are excluded 20 days before the agreed start of the trip.
TANGER SAFARIS shall notify the traveler of a change in the price of the trip, a permissible change to an essential travel service or a permissible cancellation of the trip immediately after becoming aware of the reason for the change or cancellation. In the event of an increase in the travel price by more than eight per cent (8%) or a significant change to an essential travel service, the traveler may withdraw from the contract. Instead, as in the event of cancellation of the trip by TANGER SAFARIS, he may request participation in another trip of at least equal value, if TANGER SAFARIS is able to offer such a trip at no extra cost to the customer. The Customer must assert these rights against TANGER SAFARIS immediately after detection upon notification by TANGER SAFARIS.

6. Withdrawal by the customer before the start of the trip/cancellation costs

The customer can withdraw from the trip at any time before the start of the trip. The withdrawal must be declared to TANGER SAFARIS in writing by email.
If the customer withdraws from the contract, TANGER SAFARIS loses the right to the agreed travel price. However, TANGER SAFARIS may demand reasonable compensation. The amount of the compensation is determined according to the travel price after deduction of the value of the expenses saved by TANGER SAFARIS.
The compensation will be calculated according to the date of receipt of the customer’s declaration of withdrawal as follows:
up to the 30th day before departure 30%,
from the 29th to the 15th day before departure 50%,
from the 14th to the 7th day before departure 60%,
from the 6th to one day before departure 90%,
from the day of departure or in case of no-show 100% of the travel price.
TANGER SAFARIS reserves the right to demand a higher, concrete compensation in deviation from the above lump sums.
TANGER SAFARIS may not claim compensation if unavoidable, extraordinary circumstances occur at or in the immediate vicinity of the destination which significantly affect the execution of the journey or the transport of persons to the place of destination.

7. Rebooking

Rebooking of the entire trip or parts thereof requested by the customer will be made as far as possible according to the actual circumstances, such as free capacities of the desired alternative travel components. The customer shall bear any additional costs resulting from the rebooking.
8. Unused


The services described in the travel description represent a package offer, unless otherwise indicated. If the customer does not use all components of the trip booked by him, there is no entitlement to a pro rata refund of the travel price.
9. Withdrawal due to failure to reach the minimum number of bookings

TANGER SAFARIS may withdraw from the travel contract due to failure to reach the minimum number of 2 bookings as stated in the booking confirmation up to 4 weeks before departure.
In this case, payments already made by the customer will be refunded immediately and in full. Any exchange rate losses resulting from currency conversions shall be borne by the customer.

10. Obligations of the customer

The customer is responsible for all contractual obligations of fellow travelers for whom he makes the booking as for his own. The customer assures that the information provided by him in the context of the contract offer or the conclusion of the contract about his person, the fellow travelers and other contract-relevant circumstances, in particular the e-mail address provided by him for booking processing, is complete and correct. The customer undertakes to inform TANGER SAFARIS immediately of any changes to the data; upon request from TANGER SAFARIS, the customer must confirm the data. In the event of a breach, TANGER SAFARIS is entitled to block the contractual services immediately and without further explanation to the customer.
The customer is obliged to cooperate in the event of disruptions to performance, to avoid possible damage or to keep it to a minimum. In particular, the customer is obliged to immediately report his complaints, in particular travel defects, to the local tour guide or directly to TANGER SAFARIS.
Claims for defects or damages or claims resulting from termination must be asserted by the customer against TANGER SAFARIS within 2 years of the contractually agreed end of the trip.

11. Limitation of liability

The liability of TANGER SAFARIS for damages is limited to three times the price of the trip, which

a) is not bodily injury and
b) was not culpably caused.

TANGER SAFARIS is not liable for service disruptions, personal injury and property damage in connection with services that are merely mediated as third-party services (e.g. excursions, transport services, rental cars) if these services are expressly marked as third-party services in the travel description and the booking confirmation. This includes all services that are not included in the invoice amount and are booked and paid for separately by the customer after the start of the trip and in the course of which they are booked and paid for by third parties. So that they are not part of the travel services of TANGER SAFARIS recognizable to the customer. However, liability exists if TANGER SAFARIS has grossly negligently violated information, clarification or organizational obligations and this breach was the cause of the damage incurred by the customer.
If international conventions or statutory provisions based on such apply to a travel service, according to which a claim for damages against the service provider arises or can only be asserted under certain conditions or restrictions or is excluded under certain conditions, TANGER SAFARIS may invoke this against the traveler.

12. Visas, entry requirements, warnings

The customer is responsible for compliance with any passport, visa, foreign exchange and/or health regulations in the respective travel countries. TANGER SAFARIS recommends its customers, in addition to the information on entry requirements by TANGER SAFARIS, to obtain appropriate information as early as possible from the competent authorities (consulates, embassies, etc.).
TANGER SAFARIS recommends customers to inform themselves about the current travel and safety advice regarding the respective travel countries before making the bookingrequest.
Insofar as information is provided by TANGER SAFARIS in this regard, no guarantee can be given for its completeness, correctness and topicality.
The customer is responsible for obtaining and carrying the officially required travel documents, any necessary vaccinations and compliance with customs and foreign exchange regulations. Disadvantages arising from non-compliance with these regulations, e.g. the payment of withdrawal costs, shall be borne by him.
Disclaimer for passports, visas and travel documents
Tanger Safaris cannot be held liable for any consequences, damages or claims if the client fails to properly take care of the client’s documentation and related matters prior to the start of the tour.
Travel insurance
All customers travelling with Tanger Safaris & Culture Limited must have comprehensive travel insurance. The policy must be valid from the date of travel booking to cover cancellation prior to departure. During the trip, the insurance company must provide comprehensive health, evacuation and repatriation protection.
All luggage and personal belongings are the responsibility of the customer at all times and the Company accepts no liability for any loss or damage to personal belongings for any reason whatsoever. Customers are entitled to one piece of luggage weighing a maximum of 15 kg (backpack or soft bag – not a hardtop suitcase) and a daypack. The company reserves the right to refuse excess baggage.
Please note that different baggage policies may apply on “bush” flights.
The customer accepts that all tours are adventurous in nature and involve a certain personal risk. Neither Tanger Safaris nor any of its agents can be held liable in any way for any injury, death or damage to property, regardless of its cause. The customer hereby indemnifies the company and indemnifies the company, its representatives, agents and vicarious agents against any claims of this kind. The customer assumes full responsibility for all risks involved.
Authority on tour
The decisions of the guide/driver of the company on the tour are final and binding at all times. The customer must comply at all times with the laws, customs and foreign exchange regulations of all countries visited.
The company reserves the right to use photos and videos taken during the tours for marketing or other promotional materials. The Client hereby consents to the use of these photographs and authorises the Company to retain the copyright in such photographs and material.
Increase in fees and taxes
All our prices are based on current national park fees and taxes. Increases in fees and taxes imposed by the authorities must be passed on retrospectively – even if they are levied after the trip has been booked or during the course of the trip.

13. Information on data processing

Data protection is a top priority at TANGER SAFARIS. For this reason, TANGER SAFARIS refers to the privacy policy available on the website.
14. Final provisions

The place of jurisdiction for all disputes in connection with this contract is the registered office of TANGER SAFARIS, provided that the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law.

The law of the United Republic of Tanzania applies. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded Arusha, January 2023


  • All corporate and/or tour info is provided by Tanger Safaris & Culture , not SafariBookings
  • The tours offered by Tanger Safaris & Culture are subject to their terms & conditions