Terms and Conditions


Our primary objective is to craft the perfect holiday experience tailored to your specific requirements. To initiate this process, you can
reach out to us at [email protected], and we will design a personalized itinerary for you, complete with a per-person pricing.

In order to secure your booking, we kindly request a minimum deposit of 35% of the total booking cost, or any other amount specified at
the time of booking. If your booking is made within 90 days of the departure date, full payment may be necessary at the time of booking.
Payments can be made in British Pounds, US Dollars, or Euros. Rest assured, if, for any reason, we are unable to accept your booking, your
deposit will be promptly refunded. It is worth noting that certain suppliers and peak-season holidays may necessitate higher deposit
amounts, and we will apprise you of these requirements before you make your deposit.

For any special requests, such as dietary preferences, room preferences, or specific amenities crucial to your choice of holiday, kindly
make these requests in writing at the time of booking. We will relay your requests to the respective lodge, although we cannot guarantee
their fulfilment. While Wild Emerald endeavours to accommodate special requests, we are not liable if they cannot be met, unless we
have provided written confirmation that your requirement will be honoured.

Upon receiving your correct deposit, we will proceed to book your arrangements and issue a Confirmation Invoice. This Confirmation
Invoice marks the establishment of a contractual agreement.

It is vital for you to carefully review the details on the Confirmation Invoice immediately upon receipt, as it outlines the services we have
committed to provide. In the event of any discrepancies, please contact us promptly. If you've organized your tour directly with Wild
Emerald, all correspondence and communications will be directed to the address of the guest who initiated the initial payment, unless you
specify an alternative address. For security and emergency purposes, we require both a business and residential address if you request
correspondence through a business address.

If your booking is made through a Travel Advisor, all communications will be directed to the Travel Advisor, who will act as your agent for
all interactions between us and you. Any funds you pay to a Travel Advisor under or in contemplation of this contract will be held by the
Travel Advisor for Wild Emerald until they are transferred.

The remaining balance is due 90 days before the scheduled departure. In the event of untimely payment, we retain the right to treat your
booking as canceled by you, and the corresponding cancellation charges, outlined below, will become applicable.


(a) Amendments by you

At Wild Emerald, we are committed to accommodating your requests for alterations to your tour whenever feasible, although it may not
always be feasible to do so. All requests for amendments must be submitted in writing and must bear the signature of the guest who
initiated the initial payment. In the event that an amendment is viable, it will be subject to an amendment fee, encompassing all
communication charges and other expenses incurred by Wild Emerald due to the change, which may include additional costs from our
suppliers. These charges will be applicable whether or not we can finalize your requested amendment. Please be aware that amendments
within 28 days of your departure date may not be possible, and your request may be considered as a cancellation and re-booking. In such
cases, standard cancellation charges, as specified in the clause below, will be applied based on our suppliers conditions. If we are unable
to facilitate your request, and you opt not to proceed with the original booking, this will be regarded as a cancellation on your part, and
the corresponding cancellation charges will be your responsibility. Any changes to your arrangements while on your tour will incur
additional costs borne by you.

For Date Amendments: If you wish to alter the departure date of your trip, the terms outlined above apply. The new departure date must
be set within six months of the original departure date. Commencing travel more than six months after the original tour departure date
will be considered a cancellation and re-booking, resulting in standard cancellation charges. If the amended departure date leads to an
increased cost for your trip, this additional cost will be your responsibility.

For Destination Amendments: Should you desire to modify the destination of your confirmed booking prior to departure, except in cases
of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, it will be regarded as a cancellation and re-booking. The regular cancellation charges will
be applicable as detailed below.

(b) Transfer of Booking

If you or any member of your party is unable to embark on the journey, it is possible to transfer the reserved spot to another individual,
provided the following conditions are met:

a. The replacement person is personally introduced by you and complies with all the prerequisites relevant to the trip.

b. We receive notification at least seven days prior to the departure date.

c. You settle any outstanding balance payment, along with an amendment fee of €50 per transferring guest, as well as any supplementary
fees, charges, or expenses resulting from the transfer, which may include additional supplier costs.

d. The transferee consents to these Terms and all other stipulations of the contract between us.
Both you and the transferee hold joint and several liability for the payment of all dues. In the event that you are unable to find a suitable
replacement, cancellation charges, as detailed below, will be applicable to offset our anticipated costs. In the absence of an alternate
traveler or for any unused services, refunds will not be granted.

(c) Cancellation by you

Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing by the guest who initiated the initial payment. The date of cancellation will be
considered the day on which Wild Emerald receives the request. In recognition of the expenses incurred when cancelling travel
arrangements, the ensuing cancellation charges will be applicable, contingent on the number of days remaining until the scheduled
departure date at the time of cancellation notice.

Written advice of cancellation received
Days prior to departure % of total Tour cost

90 days or more Loss of deposit
60-89 days 30% of total Tour cost
30-59 days 70% of total Tour cost
15-29 days 90% of total Tour cost
0-14 days 100% of total Tour cost

Cancellation charges will be subtracted from any funds you've already remitted to us. It is important to understand that amendment
charges are non-refundable under any circumstances.
Please take note: Certain arrangements may not be subject to amendments after their confirmation, and any attempt to alter or cancel
them might result in a cancellation charge of up to 100% of the relevant portion of the arrangements, in addition to the aforementioned

Kindly be aware that during specific periods of the year, such as peak seasons, or for particular products, such as certain game lodges and
hotels, more stringent cancellation conditions may be in effect. Any such adjusted conditions will be communicated to you prior to
finalizing your booking.

In the case of partial room cancellations: If one or more members of a party opt to cancel or depart from a journey, this may lead to an
increase in the per-person price for those continuing their travel, and you will be responsible for covering this adjustment.
We insist that you procure comprehensive travel insurance prior to departure, and we will require proof of such insurance.

Cancellation by you due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances:

You retain the prerogative to cancel your confirmed tour prior to departure without incurring a cancellation charge if unavoidable and
extraordinary circumstances transpire at your tour destination or its immediate vicinity, substantially impacting the tours execution or
the transportation arrangements to the destination. Under such circumstances, a full refund of the payments made will be issued to you.
However, it's essential to note that no additional compensation beyond the refund will be provided. It's important to understand that this
cancellation right applies solely when the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office advises against travel to your destination or
its immediate vicinity.

For the purposes of this provision, unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances encompasses situations such as warfare, acts of
terrorism, imminent threats to public health, such as the outbreak of severe diseases in the travel destination, or natural calamities like
floods, earthquakes, or adverse weather conditions that render safe travel to the destination impossible.

(d) Abbreviating Your Journey

In the unfortunate event that you are compelled to curtail your travel and return home prematurely, please be aware that Wild Emerald is
unable to reimburse the expenses for any unused travel arrangements. If you choose to truncate your trip and depart earlier, without
reasonable cause for dissatisfaction regarding the quality of accommodation and services offered, we are not in a position to provide a
refund for the uncompleted portion of your journey or bear responsibility for any related expenses you may accrue. It is worth noting that,
depending on the circumstances, your travel insurance may extend coverage for curtailment, and we advise pursuing any such claims
directly with your insurer.

(e) Rebooking After a Cancellation

In the event that you decide to cancel your trip and seek an alternative booking, the terms of cancellation stipulated within these
provisions will be applicable. If the new booking necessitates a higher deposit than what has already been remitted (after deducting any
applicable cancellation fees), you will be responsible for the payment of the difference between the required deposit for the new booking
and any previously paid amounts

(f) Accuracy of information

We meticulously review the details provided about our holidays, striving for accuracy and precision. Nonetheless, it's important to
acknowledge that local conditions can bring about changes in itineraries. We retain the right to make adjustments to program itineraries,
which encompass scheduled sightseeing and featured experts, as well as the substitution of accommodations, if unforeseen circumstances
or factors beyond our control necessitate such changes.
While we make every reasonable effort to execute itineraries as initially planned, it's essential to recognize that modifications may
become necessary even after the final itinerary has been distributed. Rest assured, whenever we become aware of significant or enduring
alterations, we are committed to promptly informing you well in advance of your departure.

(g) Amendments by the Company

We take utmost care to ensure that the descriptions and prices featured in our brochures and on our website are accurate at the time of
publication. However, it's important to recognize that circumstances can evolve, and Wild Emerald reserves the right to modify any details
in our company literature, including prices. In such cases, we are committed to notifying you of any such changes before confirming your

Once a Confirmation Invoice has been issued, Wild Emerald makes diligent efforts to operate all holidays exactly as advertised. We
meticulously plan arrangements well in advance of your trip, collaborating with independent suppliers such as lodges, hotels, local
transport operators, and guides, over whom we have no direct control. While we typically adhere to the planned itineraries, there may be
exceptional circumstances where we must make adjustments prior to your departure. It's important to note that most of these alterations
are minor in nature. Should we make a minor change to your trip, we will make reasonable efforts to inform you or your Travel Advisor as
soon as practically possible, provided there is sufficient time before your departure. However, under such circumstances, we assume no
liability to you.

Moreover, we categorize certain Covid-19 related travel and destination requirements as minor changes, given our expectation that these
alterations will not substantially impact the trips execution or your overall holiday experience. Such changes might include the need for
face masks, frequent use of sanitizing stations, and adherence to social distancing measures. Some changes may also affect the availability
of specific services and facilities. We anticipate that all guests will comply with the local and national guidelines in effect at the destination
and during travel to and from the destination.

On rare occasions, we may be compelled to make significant changes to your confirmed arrangements. Examples of significant changes
made before departure include alterations in destination or a shift to lower-standard accommodation or pricing. In the event of a
significant change, we will promptly inform you and, if time permits before your departure, we will provide you with three options: (i)
acceptance of the modification, (ii) the opportunity to transfer your booking to an available and comparable holiday, or (iii) the option to
cancel your booking and receive a full and expeditious refund. If you opt for another holiday that is of lower cost, we will process the
appropriate refund accordingly.

Your choice must be conveyed to us within seven days of our offer. If we do not receive your response within that timeframe, we will
reach out to request your decision once more. In the absence of a response, we will assume that you have chosen to accept the change or
alternative booking arrangements.

In addition to a full refund of all payments made by you, we will provide compensation as detailed below in the event that you decline the
alternative arrangements offered and choose to cancel your booking. This compensation does not preclude you from making additional
claims if you are entitled to do so.

Compensation when notification of change is sent

Days prior to departure Compensation per Guest

90 days or more Nil
60-89 days €10
30-59 days €20
15-29 days €25
0-14 days prior €30

Compensation will not be provided in the following situations:

(a) In the event of a minor change initiated by us. (b) In circumstances where we make a significant change or cancel your arrangements
more than 90 days before your scheduled departure. (c) If a significant change is implemented, and you choose to accept the altered
arrangements or opt for alternative travel arrangements offered. (d) If we must cancel your arrangements due to your failure to make
timely and complete payments. (e) In cases where changes or cancellations by us stem from modifications to the confirmed booking
requested by you. (f) When we are compelled to cancel or modify your arrangements as a result of Force Majeure.

Low Bookings refers to a situation where the number of reservations made for the arrangements falls short of the minimum required to
make their execution financially sustainable in the advertised manner.

In the rare circumstance that Wild Emerald becomes unable to fulfil a substantial portion of your tour after it has commenced, we will
exert every effort to furnish you with suitable alternative arrangements at no additional cost, except in cases of Force Majeure.

Alternatively, we will facilitate your return to the point of your departure, and when applicable, offer compensation. It's important to note
that no compensation is provided in instances of Force Majeure.

(h) Cancellation by Wild Emerald

We retain the prerogative to cancel your booking under any circumstances; however, we commit not to cancel your travel arrangements
within 90 days of your departure date, save for situations involving Force Majeure, Low Bookings, or your failure to complete the final
balance payment. If, regrettably, you do not make the final payment for your trip 90 days before your departure, we will consider your
booking cancelled and enforce the previously stipulated cancellation charges.

In cases where Wild Emerald is compelled to cancel your booking for reasons other than Force Majeure, your failure to make the final
payment, or Low Bookings, we will make every possible effort to provide alternative arrangements of an equivalent or closely similar
standard and price, if such alternatives are available. Alternatively, we may offer travel arrangements of a lower standard along with a
refund of the price difference. In the event that none of these options are feasible, we pledge to swiftly refund all monies you have paid.

Moreover, unless the cancellation is a result of Force Majeure, your failure to complete the final payment, or Low Bookings, we will
provide compensation as detailed above.

(i) Payment of refunds

If you are due a refund, Wild Emerald will return the amounts due to the same bank account or credit card that was used when the
original payment was made and in the same currency that we originally received the funds.


(a) We retain the right to modify the prices of any unsold holidays featured in our brochure or on our website and rectify any price errors
in confirmed bookings. Prior to confirming your contract, you will be duly informed of the prevailing price for the specific trip you wish to

(b) Wild Emerald is not obliged to furnish a detailed breakdown of trip costs.

(c) We reserve the right to notify you of a price adjustment from the brochure or advertised rate before confirming your booking, with the
understanding that prices may fluctuate, either upward or downward. While we are dedicated to preventing such situations, occasional
inaccuracies in brochure or website prices may occur due to human or computer errors. When we become aware of any such discrepancy,
we will make an effort to apprise you either at the time of booking (if we are already aware of the error) or within seven days of the

booking, or as soon as reasonably feasible. In such instances, we are compelled to assert our rights, which may involve canceling a booking
if the actual price for the trip is unacceptable to you. Naturally, we will provide you the option to adjust your booking to an alternative
holiday at the correct price, if you so desire.

(d) We also maintain the right to increase the price of confirmed trips exclusively to accommodate cost increases directly resulting from
changes in: a. Passenger carriage costs due to fuel or other energy source expenses. b. Taxes or fees imposed by third parties not directly
involved in the trips execution. c. Relevant exchange rates impacting the package.

(e) In cases where your trips price decreases due to the aforementioned changes, any applicable refund will be issued to you, subject to a
€50 administrative fee. It is important to note, however, that travel arrangements are not always procured in the local currency, and
certain apparent changes may have no bearing on your travel cost due to established contractual protections and other safeguards.

(g) No adjustments will be made to the price of your confirmed trip within 20 days of your departure, and refunds will not be processed
during this period.


(a) Wild Emerald diligently applies thorough checks to ensure that all individuals involved in the preparation and execution of your trip
adhere to the highest standards.

(b) The descriptions, information, and assessments provided in our brochures or on the website by the Company concerning lodges,
hotels, and other service providers used in your trip are offered in good faith. These details are based on the latest information available at
the time of printing. Please be aware that we shall not be held accountable for any additional services extended to you, whether furnished
by the travel service providers or other sources, which are not explicitly outlined in your Confirmation Invoice or Final Itinerary.

(c) We shall not be held liable or obligated to provide compensation for any personal injury or fatality, unless it can be demonstrated to
result from our negligence.

(d) We shall not be held liable or obligated to provide compensation for any injury, illness, fatality, loss, damage, expense, cost, or other
claim of any nature, unless it stems from: a. Actions and/or oversights of the affected individual. b. Actions and/or oversights of an
unrelated third party uninvolved in the provision of contracted services and were unforeseeable or unavoidable. c. Force Majeure.

(e) We are not liable to provide compensation for the loss or damage of luggage, personal possessions, or money, as it is your
responsibility to maintain adequate insurance coverage to safeguard against such losses.

(f) Our suppliers, such as accommodation and transport providers, maintain their own terms and conditions or conditions of carriage.
These conditions constitute a binding agreement between you and the supplier. Some of these terms may restrict or eliminate the liability
of the relevant transport provider or other supplier toward you.

(g) Please note that Wild Emerald accepts no liability for any damage, loss, expense, or other form of loss that, based on the information
you provided to us about your booking before our acceptance of it, could not have been reasonably foreseen as a consequence of a
breach of our contract with you. This exclusion also applies to any business-related losses or indirect or consequential losses of any kind.

(h) Wild Emerald assumes no responsibility or liability for destinations that impose access restrictions or otherwise hinder the peaceful
enjoyment of destination services and facilities based on factors such as race, gender, or sexual preference. While we fulfill our obligation
by providing general information, you acknowledge that it is your responsibility to conduct thorough research on your chosen destination
to ensure it aligns with your tour needs and requirements.

(i) Adventure travel of this nature inherently involves numerous risks that may lead to illness, injury, or even death. These risks are
heightened by the remote locations in which such trips take place, often far from medical facilities. Guests must acknowledge and assume
all such risks associated with participation in these travel services.

(j) If you opt to engage in any activities, including but not limited to excursions involving animals, scuba diving, snorkeling, boating, hot air
ballooning, helicopter flights, zip-lining, high-altitude treks, climbing, quad biking, parasailing, parachuting, kayaking, whitewater rafting,
primate tracking, and other activities considered to carry inherent risks of serious illness, injury, or death, you fully understand and
acknowledge that these activities entail various inherent risks. This includes the risk of serious illness, injury, or death, whether anticipated
or unforeseen, and you accept full responsibility for your own health and safety, agreeing to assume all risks related to injury, illness, or
death. Furthermore, you agree to release Wild Emerald from any and all liability connected to these activities.


(a) Prior to making a booking, we strongly advise you to stay informed about travel-related matters. We recommend consulting the travel
advice provided by the government of your home jurisdiction, the government responsible for issuing your passport and/or visa, and the
government of your travel destination. As travel advisories can change, we urge you to regularly check for the latest updates.

(b) If the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) advises against visiting a particular country, we will act in accordance with their advice.

(c) In the event that active government advice and travel warnings are in place for a specific destination or location included in your trip,
should you choose to proceed with the trip despite such advice or warnings, you assume all responsibility for any potential loss, personal
injury, death, or property damage resulting from any events associated with the travel advice or warnings.

(d) It is crucial that you thoroughly review the details on your Confirmation Invoice upon receipt. In the event of any discrepancies, please
contact us immediately.

(e) Certain destinations may require visas and additional documentation. We recommend that you contact the Embassy or Consulate of
the country you plan to visit well in advance of your travel. Additionally, consult your medical advisor or a specialized vaccination center
for information on the necessary health precautions before departure. All minors should travel with full passports. It is your responsibility
to obtain all the required documents for your trip, including passports, visas, health certificates, and international driving licenses,
ensuring they are in proper order and bringing them with you. We advise travelers with minors, especially those not sharing the same
surname or traveling without one or both parents, to check the entry requirements for their destination. Certain countries may have
additional requirements, such as documentation proving your relationship with the minor and permission to travel with them. Wild

Emerald cannot be held responsible if you or any member of your travel party is denied entry to a country, and we do not accept any
liability for other losses incurred due to non-compliance with these requirements. Please consult the travel advice produced by the
government of your home jurisdiction, the government responsible for issuing your passport and/or visa, and the government of your
destination for further information. We will not be liable to provide any refunds or compensation if you or any member of your party is
unable to proceed with the trip as planned due to incorrect or missing personal documents, or any failure to meet passport, visa, or
immigration requirements. You agree to reimburse Wild Emerald for any fines or losses incurred as a result of your non-compliance with
passport, visa, immigration requirements, or health formalities.

(f) You are responsible for checking in for flights at the designated time and ensuring you are present for all pre-booked components of
your trip. Wild Emerald cannot accept responsibility for any delays resulting from Force Majeure, or for guests missing flights due to late
check-ins. No credits or refunds will be provided if you fail to participate in any part of your booking. Lost, misplaced, or damaged travel
documents are not eligible for credit or refunds.

(g) Most travellers embark on holidays seeking rest and relaxation. If, in our reasonable opinion, your behavior poses a danger, causes
property damage, or persistently disrupts the enjoyment of other guests, we retain the right to terminate your booking immediately. Upon
such termination, our liability to you and/or your party ceases, and you and/or your party must vacate your accommodation or other
arrangements without delay. No refunds will be issued for lost accommodations or other arrangements, and we will not cover any
expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination. You and your party may also be held responsible for any loss and/or damage
resulting from your actions, and we will consider you and each member of your party jointly and individually liable for any damage or
losses attributable to you or any member of your party. Full payment for such damage or losses must be made prior to departure. If you
fail to make payment, you will be accountable for addressing any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against us as a result of
your actions, in addition to all costs incurred while pursuing any claim against you. Wild Emerald cannot be held responsible for the
actions or behaviour of other guests or individuals unrelated to your booking arrangements.

(h) In case of losing personal items during the tour, please obtain a written report from the police, which will facilitate any insurance
claims upon your return.

(i) You are responsible for covering the costs of any damage to accommodations and/or any additional charges incurred with our suppliers
during your trip. Failure to make payment at the time of incurring such charges and/or costs will render you liable to reimburse us, and
you hereby authorize Wild Emerald to automatically debit your credit card for the amount instructed by the supplier for such costs and/or


If you have a complaint about any of the services included in your trip to Africa, you must inform the supplier or our representative in
Africa. This may be a camp or hotel manager where you are staying or your Wild Emerald guide. If it is not resolved locally, please follow
this up within 28 days of your return home by writing to [email protected]. Please include your booking reference and all other
relevant information, keeping your email as concise and to the point as possible. If you fail to report your complaint whilst on your trip, we
will not have the opportunity to investigate and rectify it whilst you are travelling, affecting our ability to improve the situation for you and
the possibility of claiming back any form of compensation.


Travel insurance is a mandatory requirement for all clients. To ensure the validity of your booking, it is imperative that you secure an
appropriate travel insurance policy. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your holiday at any point. Your travel insurance policy
should be proportionate to the total value of your booking and provide comprehensive coverage, encompassing aspects such as trip
cancellation and interruption, medical expenses, including evacuation and repatriation, personal belongings, personal liability, as well as
coverage for death and permanent disability, in addition to travel document protection. If you have any pre-existing disabilities or medical
conditions, it is crucial to disclose this information to your insurer.

In the event of any issues or claims arising during your trip, you are responsible for initiating your claim directly with your insurance
provider. While Wild Emerald will extend support in facilitating your claim, it is important to note that we bear no responsibility for the
disbursement of compensation. Your insurance company will handle the assessment and payout of any claims in accordance with the
terms and conditions of your policy.

Date Protection

We may collect the following data:

1. Information you provide when filling out forms on our website, encompassing your name, address, contact details, interests,
and any special requirements. This also extends to details you include in email inquiries.

2. Details discussed during phone conversations regarding your trip inquiry, which can include your name, address, contact
information, interests, and specific requirements.

3. Information you supply when confirming a trip with us through our booking form, as well as any data shared via email or phone
conversations relating to your trip. This might encompass comprehensive information about all guests, such as full names,
birthdates, nationalities, dietary preferences, medical requests, insurance details, and, on rare occasions, passport information
when it is required.

4. Records of financial transactions, including deposit authorizations and balance payments, made to settle your invoice.

5. We may also request your input through feedback forms following your holiday experience.

6. When you navigate our website, we collect data about your visit using cookies. This information is utilized to enhance our
websites functionality, improve our service to you, and troubleshoot any issues, all in our ongoing effort to provide you with
the best possible online experience.

Why do we collect this information?

We gather this information with the aim of crafting a tailor-made holiday experience for you. Our objective is to delve into the intricacies,
rationale, and timing of your journey, as well as any aspects related to your travels. This enables us to offer valuable guidance on the most
suitable options for your adventure.

Should you decide to book a journey with Wild Emerald, we require additional information from you. This includes details such as dietary
preferences and health-related considerations, all of which are crucial for us to fulfill our contractual obligations and ensure the seamless
coordination of arrangements with our diverse network of suppliers.

Furthermore, we collect specific data regarding your interactions with our website, primarily through the use of cookies. This information
is instrumental in our mission to provide you with an exceptional online experience, while also enhancing our insights into how individuals
engage with our website, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

We utilize the data you provide in the following ways:

1. To promptly respond to your inquiries.

2. When you book a trip with us, we use your information to fulfill our contractual obligations and confirm the details of
your trip. This may entail sharing your details with various suppliers, including airlines, accommodation providers, transfer
services, car rental companies, and excursion operators. Please note that, due to the nature of booking holidays in Africa,
it is highly likely that your information may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

3. To deliver information, products, or services that you specifically request, such as quotations or additional information,
and to offer you items or services we believe might pique your interest. We will exclusively contact you electronically with
information tailored to your preferences, which we base on your prior holiday experiences with us or your inquiries.

4. In exceedingly rare circumstances, Wild Emerald may be compelled to cooperate with legal authorities. We may need to
disclose personally identifiable information in response to requests from law enforcement agencies. In such instances, we
will only divulge the information required by law.

5. Rest assured, we do not share your data with any third-party companies. Your information remains confidential and
secure with us.

How long we keep your data

We are obligated by tax regulations to retain records of all holidays booked through us for a minimum duration of seven years.

In the interest of enhancing our services and ensuring that your future experiences with Wild Emerald are tailored to your preferences, we
will maintain your trip feedback, in an anonymous form, on our website indefinitely. This invaluable resource not only assists us in
understanding your preferences but also aids us in remembering your likes and dislikes. Should you decide to embark on another
adventure with us, this wealth of information allows us to pinpoint the ideal trip that aligns with your unique needs and desires.

Your rights

Your rights are of paramount importance to us, and we offer the following options for you:

1. Opting Out of Marketing: You have the right, at any time, to cease us from reaching out to you for marketing purposes. We
respect your choice and will honour it promptly.

2. Data Accuracy: If you believe that any information we have about you is inaccurate, please notify us, and we will promptly
rectify or delete the incorrect data.

3. Direct Contact: Feel free to get in touch with us directly by sending an email to [email protected] for any inquiries or

4. Right to Erasure: You hold the right to request the deletion of your personal information when there is no legitimate reason for
us to retain it, except in cases where it is necessary for compliance with UK tax laws.

5. Access to Your Data: You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we have on record about you.

6. Addressing Concerns: If you ever have concerns about how we've managed your personal data, please reach out to
[email protected]. We will conduct a thorough investigation into your request. Should you find our response unsatisfactory

or believe that your personal data is being processed in a manner inconsistent with the law, you have the option to lodge a
complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Your concerns will be taken seriously and handled with care.


Throughout our website, we make reference to third-party entities such as lodges, hotels, and activity operators, many of which maintain
their own websites for your exploration. It's important to note that we lack control over these external sites, and they may enforce
differing security and privacy policies. Therefore, we are unable to assume responsibility for any information you submit to these
independent platforms.

Wild Emerald diligently reviews and consistently updates our security protocols to safeguard the personal information stored within our
systems. Access to our systems is restricted to those individuals who require access for operational purposes, and we have implemented
technical safeguards to thwart unauthorized entry.

Rest assured, your data is never shared with third-party companies. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we maintain strict
measures to protect it.

You must also ensure that your vaccination certificates are in order and that you have taken the advice of your doctor with regard to
inoculations. We will offer general advice but cannot be held responsible if you do not comply with current requirements before your
departure. We do not accept liability for any advice given of a general nature prior to the holiday commencing. You are responsible for
selecting and booking your international flights, as well as a timely check-in for all flights and for presenting yourself to take up all pre-
booked components of your holiday. No credit or refund will be given to you should you fail to take up any component of your holiday or if
you lose any travel documents. We also draw to your attention the fact that there are certain inherent risks involved in all of the holidays
to Africa that we supply – especially concerning wildlife, but also plants, the environment and illness. These must be accepted by you at
your own risk. If you wish to discuss any such risks with us we would be more than happy to provide advice over the telephone or in

Ensuring the completeness of your vaccination certificates and heeding your doctor's guidance on required inoculations is paramount.
While we are happy to provide general advice, it is crucial that you take personal responsibility for complying with current health and
vaccination requirements before your departure. Please be aware that any general advice provided prior to the commencement of your
holiday does not constitute a liability on our part.

Selecting and booking your international flights is your own responsibility. Timely check-in for all flights and attendance for all pre-booked
components of your holiday is essential. Regrettably, no credit or refund will be granted should you miss any part of your holiday or
misplace important travel documents.

It is important to acknowledge the inherent risks associated with all our Africa holidays, especially those involving wildlife, plants, the
environment, and health-related aspects. These risks are to be acknowledged and assumed by you at your own discretion. If you have any
concerns or would like to discuss these risks in detail, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for guidance, either via phone or in writing.
We are more than willing to provide you with the information you need to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.


  • All corporate and/or tour info is provided by Wild Emerald, not SafariBookings
  • The tours offered by Wild Emerald are subject to their terms & conditions