​Wildlife & Animals – Ranomafana NP

Philip Briggs
By Philip Briggs

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of many guidebooks to African destinations, including the Insight guide to Madagascar.

Philip is a renowned Africa expert and author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

Philip is the author of the Insight Guide to Madagascar.

Ranomafana National Park is home to 13 species of lemur. Of these, seven are active by day and six by night. The most sought-after species is the golden bamboo lemur, whose global population of fewer than 1,000 individuals is centered on Ranomafana. Red-fronted brown lemur and red-bellied lemur are easily seen. The small-toothed sportive lemur, a nocturnal species, is often found during the day resting in the fork of a tree.

Wildlife Highlights

Ranomafana is home to three species of bamboo lemur: greater, grey and the critically endangered golden bamboo lemur. Bamboo lemurs are quite plain looking but their restricted habitat makes them a local specialty. The spotted fanaloka, a genet-like small carnivore, is sometimes seen on night walks. Another special sight in the rainforest is the giraffe-necked weevil, a bright red insect whose hinged neck is twice as long as its body. The male weevils fight with their elongated necks, just like real giraffes.

Best Time for Wildlife Viewing

Ranomafana can be visited at any time, but most people try to avoid the rainy months of January to March. Perhaps the best months are September to November. While this is partly during the Wet season (November to April), it is before the big rains arrive. Some animals, reptiles especially, are harder to see in the cold dry months of June to August. April and May are shoulder months and a good choice too.

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