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  • Reviews may only be uploaded by individuals who have been on a paid tour with this tour operator. Family members, staff, and tour agency partners of this tour operator are not permitted to upload reviews.
  • Reviews should ideally be submitted within one year of completing your tour.
  • It is not allowed to submit reviews from a computer located in the office of a tour operator.
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What Is Your Review About?
Moremi Game Reserve as a travel destinationChange
When Did You Go?
How Would You Rate  Moremi Game Reserve?
Overall Rating:
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  • Wildlife:
  • Scenic beauty:
  • Birding:
     (Select 'Not sure' if you're not a birder)
Provide a Title for Your Review about Moremi Game Reserve (in English)

If you could describe Moremi Game Reserve in one sentence, what would you say?

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Please Write Your Review about Moremi Game Reserve (in English)

Hint: other travelers will love reading about your experience of the wildlife viewing, scenery, weather, accommodations and your tour guide.
Important: you are welcome to mention your tour operator, but the review should be about Moremi Game Reserve as a travel destination.

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  • give us permission to check your review against the legal considerations above and, if needed, make textual changes on your behalf.
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