On time, on budget, on the bird!
Mwangi wa Gitu, from ConQuest Adventures sacrificed his Christmas weekend to guide my wife and I around the south shore of Lake Elementiata. Mwangi was working his home patch: he knew every song, every call, every flash of color. That end of the lake is lovely, surrounded by good acacia woodland, less developed and less visited than the more well-known Rift Valley soda lakes. We enjoyed both flamingos (dozens, not thousands) and large groups of white pelicans doing their cooperative feeding maneuvers. Life birds for me included Curlew Sandpiper, Purple Grenadier, Little Rock Thrush, Red Fronted Barbet, and Coqui Francolin.
Mwangi also shared great insights into the complex local situation with property owners, cattle herders, and resorts all competing for influence over the few enforcers of conservation regs. He was a delightful companion, an expert naturalist, punctual, and affordable. We look forward to our next outing with him.