Best local tour guide!
We visited Kenia during 2017-2018's christmas holiday. My sister was living in Nairobi for half a year and she recomended Daylight Adventures as Elvis was a good friend of hers.
We travelled with a big group of 12 people, all family. It was not an easy task to please everybody as we all had different opinions and interests. Elvis listened to all of us and tried his very best. The trip was so amazing thanks to him and the drivers. We became real friends during this two weeks and we still keep in touch.
About the tour: it was a mix between safari, nature (hikes and waterfalls), culture and beach. We almost saw the big five exept for the rhino. I wish I could share some pictures because we saw the most amazing things like a cheetah chasing (and catching) a wildebeast. We saw little lions, a leopard in a tree with a warthog, we saw different groups of hippos,...
Our most beautiful stay was in Tsavo National park in a lodge with a view over the savanna. In the morning we could watch the elephants have a drink in the pool only 3 meters away from us.
I love Kenia and I loved the whole journey with Daylight Adventures. Elvis you're the best!