Safari Reviews

Sort By: Date Most Helpful Rating 111,501-111,510 of 113,241 Reviews
Tiia   –  
United Kingdom UK
Visited: February 2020 Reviewed: Apr 19, 2020

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Hillary swapped customers to cheaper tour operator without disclosing this

I spent a good while researching safari options prior to my trip to Tanzania. I chose to book with Suricata Safaris based on their great reviews (#6 of 1,294 Outdoor Activities in Arusha) and accepted the cost as a part of the great experience I was in for. Weeks in advance, I had emailed the company to confirm this tour was going ahead on that day. Hillary from Suricata Safaris confirmed this.

When the tour started, I quickly realised it was not the 5-star treat I had paid for. Another day in, I realised that we had ended up with Arunga Expeditions & Safaris (#674 of 1,294 Outdoor Activities in Arusha) and their rude personnel. When I asked about this, our driver told me to "stop complaining". When I confronted the Suricata representative, Hillary, he said that they moved me to a cheaper operator to save costs.

My experience with Arunga was very poor. There was no toilet paper, no hot water and no WiFi in the camps, and I shared a small tent with two people (I was told differently when I made my online enquiry with Suricata Safaris). When one of our crew fell ill and needed transportation out of the nature reserve, our guide suggested that we need to sort that ourselves.

I ended up getting dinner and 10% of my money back from Suricata Safaris after the tour. This really does not make up for the difference in quality for the two tour operators.

Adriana   –  
Germany DE
Visited: January 2020 Reviewed: Apr 15, 2020

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

A huge disappointment.

I will start with the fact that the 2 stars in this review are given to the beautiful Kenyan and Tanzanian nature and our amazing tour guides Brian from '7 Wonders' and Timothy-Simon from 'Twinkle Star' who made up for a large portion of their superiors' countless failures. Poor guides were at the same time also drivers and on top of it had to deal with numerous misunderstandings and failures due to the badly organized schedules and itineraries courtesy of their supervisors.
People like Brian and Simon should be the ones running the companies and not the other way around.
I was a part of a small group that took part in a 15-day Kenya-Tanzania tour, organized by Twinkle Star Tours and Safaris.
Despite of me being an equal part of the group, paying the same price for the tour and ultimately sharing the same disappointment, I would not have written this review and kept my disappointment to myself had I not seen the reply from Benson of Twinkle Star Tours to my husband's review.
Benson's reply just confirms what was said in the previous review about this tour operator's behavior- a total refusal to assume responsibility for anything and twisting of simple facts.
My husband explicitly asked the owner of Twinkle Star- James if the original itinerary will still be preserved despite of the 11 day delay in payment due to PayPal refusing to mediate such a large payment to a private account in Kenya. However, we managed to take care of the situation and once James Oketch confirmed in writing that the original itinerary will be unaffected and preserved we initiated the payment.
We were only briefed about the changes in accommodation *after* we had arrived in Kenya. This was of course very well planned on Twinkle Star's behalf since we were left with very little choice in the given circumstances. What were we to do? Say 'No, thank you.' and pack our bags, buy new airplane tickets for 3 times the early booking price and fly back to Germany?
They knew exactly what they were doing when they only informed us about the changes once we were already in Kenya. A decent company would ask their clients prior to their departure if they would agree to itinerary changes for a lower standard accommodation and if not they would refund them. Unfortunately 'Twinkle Star Tours' is not such a company. Despite of it all my husband still protested on a number of occasions about the changed itineraries and the bad conditions in some of the places we stayed in, about the missed or messed up lunch boxes and etc. The tour guides knew it all and they communicated it to James Oketch and Benson and their Tanzanian counterparts and on some occasions my husband did that too.
Spending our nights in tented camps in the middle of the Savannah would've been perfectly fine for the younger people in our group but we also had an elderly person with us who has several non- negligible health conditions.
Having to shower with cold water due to yet more technical problems, being provided with scarce nutrition choices and being unable to go out of your tent at night because of the wild beasts roaming around was not our elderly companion's idea for a 350USD a night accommodation and it was not what we paid for and agreed on.

As for the so-called safari vehicle. On the official website of 'Twinkle Star Tours and Safaris' it states 'We have invested in top of the range and reliable landcruisers for all our Land Safaris'. James personally confirmed in writing to my husband that their safari vehicles are up to the best modern standards but then again they also advertise 'We select top of the range and luxury hotels and lodges for that extra ordinary service' on their website and then you end up having to either shower cold, shower with filthy buckets by mixing hot and cold water by yourself and either bringing you on the verge of starvation or food poisoning you and your tour guide like it happened in Tanzania.
The above-mentioned antiquated minivan was absolutely not to the task of taking us on time to our destinations or let alone offering us a comfortable ride.
It had no air conditioning in the scorching heat. The air filters of the rusty minivan were situated at such a low level that when the slightest amount of water splashed the vehicle it meant we had to either wait for it to dry up or miss a game drive entirely.
We missed a morning game drive in Maasai Mara because it had rained a little the previous night and our guide was afraid water might get into the air filters, we missed a game drive upon arriving to Amboseli because we had to take alternative roads just so we can avoid water getting into the air filters, the next day we had a hurried 2 hour game drive instead of a full day one because our food menu plan was again messed up/not communicated properly to the lodge and we were again starving during the game drive, we missed another morning game drive because water had gotten into the air filters and the minivan was barely operational. We had long waits to just cross muddy/wet areas because of the badly situated air filters of the old minivan while virtually every other tour vehicle around us was passing through with no difficulties whatsoever.
It was a nightmare...

As for the promised small refund that James kept lying about. It was not simply delayed like Benson is putting it in his comment, it simply never happened.
Dear Benson, a delay means a few days, maybe a couple of weeks in extraordinary circumstances but a delay is certainly not 70 days. A 70-day delay means unfulfillment of commitment.
Every couple of weeks James came up with new excuses and simple lies to delay the promised refund. The latest excuse is the virus crisis and that they are always confined to their homes(not true)and online banking doesn't exist in Kenya(obviously not true as they have that and they have PesaPal)but any slightly intelligent person could easily spot the dishonesty of James and Benson as the refund was promised and arranged for more than 70 days ago when there was no virus crisis in Europe, the US or Africa and when business was going as normal.
Twinkle Star Tours, your behavior is absolutely disgraceful.

In conclusion, I encourage other travelers to visit the breathtaking natural beauty and stunning wildlife variety of East Africa. Just not with 'Twinkle Star Tours' because with them things will only work out if all the right stars align perfectly for you and your group and if something goes wrong along the way, you will be on your own.

Wess   –  
Germany DE
Visited: January 2020 Reviewed: Apr 13, 2020

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

Totally dishonest and unreliable tour operator!

We booked a 15 day, slightly customized Kenya/Tanzania tour with Twinkle Star through back in January.
Unfortunately our tour experience was pretty much ruined by the very unprofessional manner in which it was conducted and the dishonesty of James Collins Oketch- the person running Twinkle Star Tours.
Prior to booking the tour I exchanged multiple emails with Mr. Oketch in order to make sure that we will actually be getting the exact same deal that was being advertised on and the the official website of Twinkle Star Tours.
As we had an elderly person in our group with serious spine problems I asked him specifically if the tour was suitable at all for such a person.
He assured me right away that the tour was more than suitable for all ages and that our companion's health problems will not be an issue during the tour. I also asked him if their tour vehicles are indeed as modern and comfortable as they advertise them to be on their website. He confirmed that their has invested in the most modern and comfortable vehicles possible.
I also asked him to confirm in writing that the advertised accommodations will not be changed at the last moment and that they are indeed up to our desired standards. He confirmed it all. I informed him that my companions and I are all vegetarians and that vegetarian menus should be made available to us during our stay. He said it'll be taken care of.
He kept repeating in his emails 'Our word is our bond my brother. Don't worry about anything.'
So far so good... only that it all turned out to be a big fat lie.
The moment we transferred him the money for the tour everything went south.
On the very first day after our arrival we were bluntly informed that one of the best and most expensive accommodations in our tour will be changed without our consent to a sub-standard one. Needless to say I protested immediately and reminded James about his promise and our contractual arrangements. Unfortunately, he and his sidekick Benson simply blamed it all on their Tanzanian partners and insisted that nothing could be done about it.
The car that picked us up for the tour was far from the 'modern, very comfortable safari vehicle' that they claimed to provide their customers with. Instead it was a beat up old minivan that met us in front of our Nairobi hotel.
The thing was in a terrible condition, with no air conditioning and absolutely not road worthy in any normal country around the world let alone be used as a safari vehicle.
The roads, especially in and around Maasai Mara and Amboseli are the closest experience you'll get to actually visiting the moon. It was indeed like a lunar landscape with craters and bumps on every step of the road through which we were speeding most of the time in order to reach our destinations on time.
It doesn't matter how careful our wonderful driver/tour guide Simon tried to drive, avoiding all the massive bumps and holes in that beat up minivan was simply impossible which left us all both emotional unfit to enjoy the safari and often physically bruised.
A funny fact is that most of the other tour companies seemed indeed to have provided proper safari SUV vehicles for their clients just not Twinkle Star.
We were often purposely brought to various tourist trap pit stops where they would try to sell us a tiny wooden keyholder for 25$, served us basic dishes like pizza 'Margherita' for the price one gets in some of the better restaurants in Venice or Paris.
Some of the accommodations we were brought to were very far from the nice, comfortable lodges and luxurious tent camps advertised by Twinkle Star Tours. They often lacked some very basic utilities like hot water and mosquito protection.
The vegetarian food they offered was scarce and badly prepared to say the very least while there was plenty of choice for meat eaters which made us realize we were basically paying all this money for other hotel guests' rich meals while we were often left to almost starve with just a simple vegetable soup, some bread and rice.
Our 25$ a piece take away meals were often either spoiled, filled with meat products instead of what we ordered or simply absent and believe me when I say, you don't want to find yourself starving in the middle of the savanna while driving through a lunar like surface in a beat up old minivan. The tour will NOT be enjoyable.
Often we had to shower with cold water. One time we were provided with greasy, dirty butter buckets from the hotel's kitchen with some hot water in one of the buckets and the second one to mix it with cold water so the temperature would be bearable.
We missed 1 morning game drive in Masai Mara, one afternoon game drive in Amboseli, one morning game drive in Amboseli and had to speed up and return only after a couple of hours during our supposed 'full day game drive' in Amboseli only because Twinkle Star had again not provided the otherwise wonderful lodge with our food requirements.
All of this was promptly communicated to James Oketch. Unfortunately, much to our disappointment, he turned out to be a person either unwilling or simply unable to assume responsibility for his and his company's failures. At first he blamed it all on the government for not improving the roads, the quote 'underdeveloped tanzanians', the accommodations themselves, the weather(which wasn't bad at all btw)and virtually everyone and everything just so the blame and responsibility won't fall on him.
However, after he finally dared blame it all on us, I provided him with many photos of the incidents which are an undeniable proof. I all told him that unless we get at least a humble 100$ pp refund for all of our troubles he can forget about that 5 star review he kept pushing us to give him. So in the beginning of February a refund was finally promised.
To no surprise considering Mr. James Oketch's dishonest and mischievous nature the date for the refund just kept getting pushed forward and forward citing the most ridiculous of reasons or no reason at all while after each and every empty promise we were being swayed into giving him the desired and completely false 5 star review both here and on another popular tour site.
Now finally, after about 2.5 months of waiting and blatant lies he told us to wait this time until May because they had 110 'Covid19' cases in Kenya when we have over 120 000 in Germany.
I asked him, why he hadn't refunded us earlier then, he had more than 70 days to that and back then there was no virus threat and business was still flourishing. No reply.
He just kept making new ridiculous excuses like he would totally refund us right away but all the banks were closed and if they were open he couldn't get out of his house at any time at all and Kenya you need to go directly to the bank and personally order the money transfer regardless of how small the sum is. All of this is obviously a lie. Online banking does exist virtually everywhere nowadays a d he does possess a PesaPal(the African PayPal) account through which he was able to receive our online payment for the tour and he could just as easily send us the small refund at any given time from the comfort of his home.
So bottomline, Twinkle Star Tours and Safaris is totally unreliable.
James Collins Oketch is an extremely dishonest person who will silver tongue you up until the moment you pay up and then you will be left in faith's hands as no responsibility will be assumed by him or his company for absolutely anything that happens to you or your family and friends during the tour.
He will keep lying through his teeth while calling you his 'brother', citing God and the Bible and telling you what an honest and honorable person he is and how his word is his bond.
Well the Bible says it's a mortal sin to lie Mr. Oketch and you 'sir' lie shamelessly and you lie A LOT. You show up hours late for your meetings without even excusing yourself.
You break your word of honor over and over again and you make empty promises.
The 2 stars this company/tour have received are only because of our wonderful driver/tour guide- Timothy Simon, the magnificent animals inhabiting Kenya and Tanzania and the breathtaking beauty of the nature there.
Anyone who wants a physical proof in the form of email/WhatsApp screenshots or photo evidence is more than welcome to contact me at any given time!

Lisa   –  
United States US
Visited: March 2020 Reviewed: Apr 1, 2020

50-65 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Robert was responsive and staff friendly but............. NOT an overall great experience - Sadly

Robert was very responsive. In fact, I contacted a few companies and thought that I was working with Robert for a couple of weeks to find out that it was another company. A couple of days before I thought I was going on Safari, I found out from the other company that it wasn't Karibu and didn't think I would have a chance to go on a safari last minute. I called Robert and he said he needed to call me back to see if it was still possible. I was then confirmed for a 7 day safari that was to start in Masai Mara and then go to Amboseli as the last park. He also said that I could pay in Shillings since I did not have USD. (I was on a working visa and had been in the country for 3 months, so only had Shillings)

I was greeted a few days later by a driver who was picking me and taking me to the office to start my safari. I didn't think any of it. Got to the office and signed my paperwork and paid. Was brought downstairs and put in the same low rider vehicle that the driver picked me up in. I just thought the driver was taking me to the place were the Open top Vans or jeeps were going to be. After the driver started to drive out of town, I questioned him on the vehicle and he said no that it was just me and him and in the car. He then said, instead of going to Masai Mara, we were going to go to Amboseli first and go backward because the car can't be driven in Masai Mara. I told him that I was not happy and didn't think this was going to work. He said that even with a car, It wouldn't be an issue getting great pictures in Amboseli. After trying to contact the office and not getting through, I felt I had no choice and agreed. SADLY, not true.

Don't get me wrong, the driver was a GREAT guy...... and due to CoronoVirus and the country shutting the borders and airports down, I had to leave after the first full day. Karibu did give me a partial refund (only for 4 days of park fees - about 200) but I was hoping for more due to the fact that I was in a car that was so low, the undercarriage of the car came off and we couldn't go that far into the park because it would flood out or scrap. Plus trying to take pictures so low in this car with tinted windows was a nightmare. I only got one day and it really didn't give me the happy experience I was looking for. When I got home aside from the photos on the hilltop from lunch, they were not great!!!! Not from my cell phone or borrowed camera.

I took pictures of the car but it doesn't allow me to add them onto this review sadly. You will see what a disaster of a car it was for a safari.

Like I said Robert was nice and replied back quickly and Raymond the driver in the car was nice and felt bad. The staff at the tented camp was great too.....

If it wasn't for the LOW RIDER CAR, and the fact that they didn't refund me in full the money for the other 5 days, I think this company might have been fine which is the reason why I gave them 2 stars. I feel bad for rating so low but it just wasn't practical putting someone so low in a car with dirty tinted windows for a safari after they confirm via email that the vehicle was an open-top Van. I honestly would have rather not even gone and saved myself a lot of money.

Abby   –  
United States US
Visited: February 2020 Reviewed: Mar 3, 2020

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Stolen Money

Though the actual experience of the safari was great, the company stole our money. They led us to believe that due to a switch in lodges (due to a flood), the money that we paid several months in advanced had not been able to transfer from one lodge to the next. They then told us that they we would have to pay for the fees again and they would refund us. Our driver's name was Dennis. He gave us the name and number of his "boss", Noah who was suppose to drop of the money in USD at the hotel we were staying at. Of course he never showed up and promised that he would transfer the money into our accounts when we arrived in the us. Of course, he lied again. Till this day, we have no received our refund. This company will steal your money. Do not book with them. The driver smiled in our face the entire time and then ripped us off and refused to drive us into Nairobi unless we paid the fees. BE AWARE. My friends and I are posting this review on every website we possibly can to warn others.

Derek   –  
United States US
Visited: February 2020 Reviewed: Mar 2, 2020

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Poor experience

Never in my life have I written a negative review, so I honestly feel bad about this post. However, if I were a potential customer of Tanzania Mwangaza Safari, I would want to know this information.

I was volunteering at a hospital in Dar es Salaam for a few weeks and decided to splurge on a safari at the end of my trip. I chose this safari company because they were affordable ($1450 USD) and offered a 4 day/ 3 night trip that fit my time constraints. The communication and payments prior to the trip were excellent. Turns out that nobody else signed up for this particular trip so it ended up being just myself and the driver.
Day 1 - Departed right on time and the day went completely as expected on route to Selous. We did get delayed for 1.5 hour behind multiple trucks stuck in the mud and blocking the road, but that just goes with the territory of travel. Went on an evening boat trip with another group, with a French speaking guide, but he was nice enough to offer some info in English to me.
Day 2 - Driver showed up 1 hour late then had me wait while he went to the restaurant and ate breakfast. We then drove to Selous entrance gate where we waited another 1.5 hour for him to locate a guide for the day. I watched in envy as dozens of others tourists arrived in plane and jeep and went on safari while we sat on the side of the road waiting for the guide to arrive from the neighboring village. I just chalked it up to inconveniences associated with a budget minded safari. Other than that, it was a great day in the park with many animals seen.
Day 3 - Driver showed up 1 hour late again. The day was supposed to be a sort of game drive on our way through Selous park on our way to an afternoon game drive in Mikumi park. The driver told me he needed to drive quickly so he would not incur additional park fees. As a result, absolutely zero wildlife viewing happened as we drove at 70 kph through Selous. I thought the vehicle might completely come apart as we sped along the rough roads. We ended up with three flat tires we throughout that day. The spare tire and jack were not suited for the fixes so the driver and I spent hours that day collecting stones in the brush, crawling in the mud under the jeep to precariously prop up the vehicle, and stopping at a roadside tire shop. I am amazed that one of us did not get seriously injured they way we were forced to rig the jeep for the tire changes as the jack and stones repeatedly did not hold thus dropping the vehicle violently back to the ground. It took us 14.5 hours to make it to Mikumi that day so our planned afternoon safari definitely did not take place. It is a budget trip and all part of the adventure, right?
Day 4 - We made plans to go on a half day game drive in Mikumi prior to our drive back to Dar. Unfortunately, the driver showed up 2 hours late that day and was unreachable by phone. Mikumi was beautiful , but we only had two hours in the park before we had to make the 8.5 hr (normally much quicker, but we had to drive slowly because of the tires) trip back to the city.

I realize I am incredibly fortunate just to have the opportunity to go on safari in Tanzania. Perhaps my expectations were far too high for a budget safari. Looking at their current reviews, it appears I am one of the only customers to have a less than optimal experience with Mwangaza so take this negative review with a grain of salt. However, when I look back and realize we spent 31 hours driving, 8 hours waiting for the driver and fixing flat tires for only 8 hours of actual safari related time, I feel this trip was far from worthwhile in terms of time and cost.

In summary, even though the people at Mwangaza were very nice, I personally had a very poor experience with them.

Malin   –  
United States US
Visited: February 2020 Reviewed: Feb 18, 2020

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Wish I would have spent a little more money for a better company

I read a lot of reviews before choosing this company (Karibu). I knew there were a lot of mixed reviews and some really bad reviews, I decided to take the gamble. I wish I would have paid a little bit more on a better company. But I guess you get what you pay for. I did the 4 day/3 nights Masai Mara + Lake Nakuru.

I was picked up from the hotel 7:30am and taken to their office (literally a few blocks away from my hotel). There we waited for a long time (1-1,5 hrs or so), I guess some other people in the group were late too. I had to pay the remaining balance at the office but when we left at 9 am and passed right by my hotel I was bummed I had been up since 6 am haha

We got an old van (sure, budget tour, didn’t think more about it..) but after getting closer to Masai Mara park and the last 1,5 hours consisted of a bumpy dirt road, I really wanted to slap myself for not choosing a company with a Jeep or better vehicle. It was miserable the last 1,5 hours, my seat was slightly loose and I was shaking back and forth... it was awful.

Once at the lodge, I guess it was okay. I mean, you get what you pay for.. I shared “tent room” with another solo guy (I’m a solo female traveler). It was fine, but the toilet and shower only has a drape... so you can hear everything.. just so you know ;)

We were unfortunate to get a bad driver/“tour guide” - James , his English was ok but he was terrible at communicating. He didn’t explain or say anything the whole trip.. we had to ask if we wanted to know anything. The afternoon when we arrived to the Masai Mara and the lodge we were staying at and we were doing a evening Safari game drive.. however, it was never communicated that we had bring our passports for the game drive to get in to the park (we left them at the lodge). So when we arrived to the entrance with no passport he was almost shocked why we didn’t bring them!? The tour was constantly like this, no communication AT ALL!!

During our full day Safari, he pretty much said nothing about any animals or facts or anything! Sometimes we had to tell him to stop so we could take pictures of the animals. I wasn’t expecting a A+ tour guide, but common.. at least maybe tell me something?

The food at the lodge was very boring, carb and very little veggies and no fruit (2 out of 3 days). The last lodge was good, had veggies and fruit and we were all so happy to eat there! Haha (still nothing fancy!)

3rd day we were told we had to switch van and join another group to continue our trip.. sure no problem. So we jumped into another companies van (not the same company I booked with). That van was a lot nicer, thank god! That driver (Richard) was also little but more informative at every stop and told us a little about the animals.

Overall, be prepared to be least hopefully you get a better driver/tour guide than us. I wished I spent a little bit more money and got more out of my trip. Better food, better vehicle, more information about the animals, the park etc.. or any information at all would have been nice! I would not recommend this company to other travel friends.

Julie and Mallory   –  
United States US
Visited: January 2020 Reviewed: Feb 3, 2020

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Falsified itinerary and absolutely unprofessional. Highly not recommended.

Their listed Itinerary is falsified. This is the actual itinerary. I made a recap on daily events with full details. Future tourists must be informed accordingly.
Pre-Tour (13/1/2020)
As per itinerary and payment deposit ($930) confirmation we will be picked up from either our hotel or airport on Day 1 of the safari to pay the remaining balance before starting the tour. We made our own plans to be in the country 2 days before our safari tour to explore the city area. We booked our own hotels and driver with plans for both days. On Monday, 13/1/2020, 2 days before the tour, we received a sudden text message asking if we were in the country yet and stating the company (Bluerange Connect) wants to send a driver to pick us up immediately. Bluerange stated that they need to bring us to their office and require us to pay the remainder of the balance $2202.55 + commission in CASH immediately in order to go ahead to our safari tour. They insisted that if we don’t pay in CASH, any credit card charges will take 2 days to post to their account and they don’t have adequate funding to pay for our entire tour without us paying up front. We informed our hotel manager and other honest local people of this sudden issue and everyone said not to fall for a scam, nothing gets done in CASH at last minute. After an hour of stressful debate, Bluerange reluctantly agree to allow us to pay the remaining balance upon our pickup on Day 1 of our tour.

Day 1 (15/1/2020) Nairobi to Samburu
We were picked up from our hotel at 7:30am to go to the office to pay the remaining balance and “briefing”. We were escorted into a small office of a few rooms and two friendly ladies staff took multiple pictures with us and asked to post on Facebook and social media. We then went into Willis Orowe’s office (managing director we were dealing with the entire time). He took a call from other non related business and casually chatted as we sat waiting to pay and be on our way. There was no rush and no courtesy on his end to help us get out of the office any sooner. After we made the payment, they gave us another copy of the same itinerary. We asked if they can quickly point out on the map as to each day’s destination point. Willis had another female staff come in who looked at the map completely confused. We said it’s ok, we can map it out ourselves. She proceeded to reading us the entire itinerary, literally word for word. Finally, we proceeded down to the safari van to leave, not before a few more ladies staff took more pictures of us in front of the van to be posted to social media. After over an hour at this office, we began our drive to Samburu around 10am with our tour guide Ken. We had found Ken through a recommendation on tripadvisor which we need to update them on the actual experience. The direct drive took almost 6 hours. We passed a view of Mt Kenya and asked how tall it is. Ken did not know and said he’ll get back to us (he never did). We were brought to KFC at 12:30pm for lunch which was very shocking as we expected local foods. We didn’t expect anything luxurious but at least good local food which would have been cheaper. After 30 minutes of lunch stop, we continued the drive and arrived at Samburu past 4pm. The game drive was basically driving from the entrance gate to the lodge check-in which was done slowly. We were excited to be in the beautiful park finally and saw an elephant, antelopes and giraffes. We arrived at the lodge at 5:45pm. Unpacked and waited for dinner at 7pm.

Day 2 (16/1/2020) Samburu
We started our morning game drive at 7am. Back at camp by 9am for breakfast. After breakfast, we walked around the little lodge to take a few pictures but we had nothing to do at all and were not allowed outside the gate. The tiny swimming pool was green colored and I would not advise going in. We sat around until lunch time at 1pm. After lunch, we tried to take a nap to kill time as we were still bored senseless. Finally 4pm we went on our afternoon game drive and returned at 7pm for dinner. Ken offered to take us to meet the Samburu people, that it would be nice to see the locals and insist that it was only 2000 shillings per person. We explained that this additional cost was never mentioned to us. We specifically asked Bluerange (Willis) about optional additional cost and received email confirmation with prices (Masai Village $10 pp, Lake Naivasha boat ride $20 pp, Hell’s Gate bicycle $5 pp). Ken insisted that everything is incorrect. He gave us specific additional costs of Samburu village $20 pp, Masai Village $20 pp, Thompson Falls $5 pp, Lake Naivasha boat ride $30 pp and Hell’s Gate bicycle $10 pp. He was unprofessional and firmly insisting that this is just a little extra cost and even questioned if we actually thought things were all inclusive. I explained that I had confirmed with Willis on what is inclusive and certainly doesn’t match what he arbitrarily gave us. We decided to skip both Samburu and Masai Village all together which Ken was certainly not happy about.

Day 3 (17/1/2020) Samburu to Lake Nakuru (6 hours drive with nothing for the day)
After breakfast, around 8am we had our game drive on the way to the gate. We were told that getting to Lake Nakuru will take 6 hours and there will be no game drive that day. Ken advised us that Lake Nakuru is very small and we will get there by evening so there is nothing to see until the next day. The drive was mostly in silence aside from the fact that Ken is on his personal cell phone multiple times per hour. We arrived at the equator around 1pm. The local gentleman did a water demonstration, afterwards offering us a paper certificate for $5 each and or tipping him. After, we had our boxed lunch from the hotel at the bench. It consisted of a very dry piece of chicken leg that caused painfully swollen gums and teeth. Also, a tiny square sandwich of two pieces of bread with mayo and a slice of cucumber, an apple, bag of chips and tiny juice box. After 30 minutes, we continued our trip. We stopped at Thompson Falls for pictures for 200 shillings ($2) per person. (Ken questioned if we wanted to skip Thompson Falls too, implying that we were being cheap since we skipped his arbitrary cost for Samburu village) Locals insisted on dragging us to their souvenir stands to buy things. After 30 minutes, we were on our way. Ken said he needed to find a bank to make a money transfer in order to access the national park tomorrow. We finally found the bank. We arrived at Wagon Wheel hotel around 5pm to check in. Ken said he’ll meet us at 7am to start the drive and left us for the night. We had dinner at 7:30pm at the local restaurant downstairs the hotel, local food was delicious.

Day 4 (18/1/2020) Lake Nakuru to Masai Mara
After breakfast at Wagon Wheel Hotel, we finally got to see Lake Nakaru. Our game drive was from 7am to 11am. We saw a rhino, buffalos, zebras among other antelopes. Then it was more than a 5 hours straight drive to Masai Mara. (Plenty of time for Ken to be on his personal cell phone and us to stare blankly out the window bored) We stopped for 30 minutes to eat our packed lunch from Wagon Wheel Hotel. It was good local food (chicken, pork or beef with rice) however, the portion was just about 10 tablespoons. After lunch, we continued our drive and reached Masai Mara Manyatta Camp close to 6pm. After checking in, we had dinner in the tented camp at 7pm.

Day 5 (19/1/2020) Masai Mara
After breakfast at the tented camp (sausage, beans, eggs, toast), we left to begin our full day Masai Mara game drive at 8am. We were the last ones to leave for the game drive. As stated on the itinerary, during the early hours, it’s best to view game. However, we certainly did not start at 6:30am as others did. We did see four of the big five today including a family of 10 lions which was exciting. This was the one part of the trip where Ken was actually not preoccupied on his personal cell phone and did an amazing job driving to the lions for a close-up view. We did thank him dearly for this. We were taken to the Kenya-Tanzania border stone. Ken stopped the van, pointed and told us to go take pictures. We saw other safari vans where the tour guides walked their tourists around the stone, explaining the history and facts while taking individual pictures for them. Certainly not the kind of guide we got. We asked Ken if he can help us take a picture which he did. He then drove us to an area by the river which we had to wait for an armed guard to escort us around to see hippos and alligators across the river. The walk took about 30 minutes. Ken left us by the river and said a guard will come take us. Other tourists had their guide with them and their guide tracked down a guard to ask to take their tourist group for the walk. Since nobody spoke for us and we were left standing there, we just quietly went along with the other tourists. When we got back however, Ken made sure to remind us to tip the guard. (This was yet another event and expense that was not mentioned prior) We then had a picnic lunch under a tree. The camp had packed us a lunch bag of a tough dry meatless chicken leg, tiny sandwich or mayo and cucumber, banana and boxed juice. After lunch, we continued our game drive, searching for a leopard and seeing more giraffes and amazing animals. Our game drive ended at 5:30pm. We had dinner back at the tented camp at 7:30pm.

Day 6 (20/1/2020) Masai Mara to Lake Naivasha
After breakfast at the tented camp (sausage, beans, eggs, toast), we left around 7am and had a game drive going towards the gate to leave Masai Mara. On the way to the gate, we managed to see a leopard, the big five is complete thanks to Ken. If we think of questions to ask him about animals, he answers them well. Other than that, it was clear he had no interests in any conversation with us. It was a long straight drive of over 5 hours to Lake Naivasha. We arrived at around 1pm to eat our lunch that was packed from the camp. It was yet another painfully dry chicken leg, tiny sandwich of a slice of cucumber, a banana, a hard boiled egg and a box juice. After lunch, we went for the boat ride on Lake Naivasha. Ken now tells us that the boat ride is 1 hour for $20 pp and then there is a guide to take us on a private island to walk around for another hour for $30 pp. He said it will Only be $100 for us both. We decided to go for just the 1 hour boat ride as we had planned before the trip. We were taken to an office with a lady telling us it will be $20 pp. There were no signs or written notice of costs or even such thing as a boat ride. It was all word of mouth. After the boat ride, it was 3pm. I asked Ken if there is anywhere at all that he would like to show us or take us to since he said we were not allowed to walk around by ourselves. He angrily said he wanted us to do the full boat ride and guided walk and since we refused to spend $100, there is nothing to do for us and he is taking us straight to the hotel. He dropped us off at the hotel before 4pm and said he will pick us up at 7am the next day for Hell’s Gate. That was the end of that day, we were left stranded at the hotel with no plans and no considerations.

Day 7 (21/1/2020) : Hell’s Gate National Reserve – 4 hours with rest of the day stranded
After breakfast, we left Taphe hotel at 7am to head to Hell’s Gate National Reserve which was about 30 minutes drive away. When we got there, Ken said the bicycle rentals will be $15 pp. We were outraged in the constant change of prices according to how much he feels like ripping off the tourist. We said he mentioned it will be $10 pp (which is already double the amount that Willis gave). Ken sounded like he was caught giving random numbers and quietly said Oh I told you $10 pp, let me talk to them. (Acting as though he was negotiating with the locals for a price for us). We rented bicycles for $10 pp and hired a guide for $20 to bike with us through the park. The safari van was certainly nowhere near us unlike the itinerary kindly stating that the van will be behind us in case we’re tired. Ken parked the van and went to rest at a restaurant while we biked about 8 kilometers. It was a very direct bike to the gorge which was closed. (there was an accident where tourists were killed during a flash flood and the gorge closed in September 2019 as a result. We had been planning this trip with Bluerange for over two months and Willis did not mention any such closure) We took a few pictures and was on the way back. We were back by the van at 11am. Ken said since the gorge is closed, Hell’s Gate is a very small park and he is not sure why our itinerary claimed we will have a full day there and that there is nothing to do. He drove us back to the hotel by 11:30am and we were again left stranded with nothing to do for the rest of the day. After lunch, we decided to walk outside and not be bored to death. We were told by the hotel staff that we can walk towards town but advised to not go too far for security reasons. We only walked about 30 minutes and turned back before we were too deep in town. We took a nap before dinner as there was absolutely nothing to do.

Day 8 (22/1/2020) Lake Naivasha to Amboseli (6 hours drive)
After breakfast, we left to start our drive to Amboseli. It was another long 6 hours drive in silence since our tour guide was constantly on his personal cell phone or else just not saying a word. We got to Amboseli around 1pm and ate our packed lunch in the car as we drove towards a view point. Unfortunately, it was very cloudy and we couldn’t see the top of Kilimanjaro. Ken drove around to let us take pictures but there were not too many animals out. He was again on his personal cell phone and asked how long we want to stay. He drove us to see the flamingos which we stayed about 20 minutes for pictures. He drove us to our tented camp (AA lodge) by 5:30pm. We had dinner at the tented camp at 7:30pm. This was actually the best dinner we had the whole trip. It was a buffet style dinner but various kinds of delicious local dishes. Even the fresh baked bread with butter was good.

Day 9 (23/1/2020) (Amboseli to Nairobi)
After a delicious breakfast, we left the lodge at 6:45am. We had a game drive on the way to exit Amboseli National Park. Our game drive ended exactly 9am sharp as Ken had mentioned. We drove about 3 hours back to Nairobi and had some traffic when we were in the city. Ken dropped us off at our hotel that we booked in advance. The suggested tips for tour guides are $10 pp / day given that the tour guide does an average acceptable job. Ken does a great job at finding you the big five but nothing more. As a tour guide he is absolutely unexperienced and unprofessional. We were appalled at how he randomly gave us prices and very obviously showed us he was not happy with us declining some suggested tourist traps and left us at hotels stranded with nothing to do. I was unhappily agreeing to giving him the average tips of $20 per day for both of us. My boyfriend however, felt inclined to give him $25 per day even though he was just as unhappy and complaining about Ken ripping us off on additional items. Ken was lucky on this tip. I would not recommend him for any future tours for anyone. If you want to see the big five and be treated like an ignorant tourist getting ripped off, driving 6 hours daily in silence then you can go to him for sure.

Amie   –  
United States US
Visited: February 2020 Reviewed: Feb 2, 2020

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Not recommended for Kilimanjaro

I booked a Kilimanjaro climb with Tin Tin and was unfortunately was overall unimpressed and would NOT recommend this company for a Kilimanjaro summit. Highlights and lowlights are below.

-Supporting a local KPAP company.
-The porters (Rashidi "happy happy", Ayubu, Gabriel, Lamiki, Rashidi) and camp manager (Mido) were kind.

-Communication. The main POC, Fred, was very responsive at first. However I began getting email auto replies that his email was over quota after I had paid for my trek and it took him a week or so to respond to anything. My guide, Rama, was also hardly fluent in English. He could not understand questions I asked him.
-Safety. I am not convinced my guide was first aid certified considering he did nothing when I had a fever on the mountain. Health checks were not done twice daily with blood pressure and oximeter readings as originally promised.
-Experience. My guide made me uncomfortable with things like asking me to guess the age of all the other staff members in front of them and bringing the entire group into my tent with no warning when I was sick. He also did not pace well. During the summit hike, we hiked too quickly up the mountain and had to slow down a few hours in. It made for a frigid hike and I was unhappy to miss seeing the summit in daylight.
-Gear quality. My tent was not waterproof and had cigarette burn holes in the bug netting. I rented a waterproof bag from them and it had holes around the straps. I did not notice until my clothing was wet on the trip.

Spain ES
Visited: December 2019 Reviewed: Jan 29, 2020

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Danger of robbery, low reliability

We made a one week safari in December 2019 with this agency, 2 adults and 4 children. The quality of the different services was acceptable except for the age of the vehicle and the poor reliability of the information offered by e-mail when making the reservation. In our case, the "peculiarity" of the trip with 4 children and the need to ensure their well-being and safety was emphasized. Although we were repeatedly confirmed that everything was safe and according to the needs of children, the result was that what had to have been a dream trip became a nightmare. This agency does not care or take responsibility for the safety of its clients during the trip and as a result of this lack of responsibility they attacked us at knife point when we were with 4 children. The feeling of insecurity in areas outside the national parks resulted in the fact that we could not enjoy the hired trip. From what we have been able to find out, it is an agency that strives to provide rapid responses in the bidding phase with competitive prices, but once you are on the trip completely neglect the clients and their needs, being the most serious and dangerous the fact that they cannot ensure their safety. I would recommend being very careful with this agency, especially if you intend to make a trip with children. In case you have the trip hired, I would recommend having emergency telephone numbers for the Spanish consulate, as well as contracting private insurance with good coverage.

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