Safari Reviews

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Jaco Beukman |   –  
South Africa ZA
Visited: December 2010 Reviewed: May 25, 2015

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: over 5 safaris

Review about South Africa by Jaco Beukman |
Overall rating

South Africa is an all in one destination offering various wildlife, bird life and natural beauty in a colourful package

Massai_1 (Carsten M.) Visited: November 2014 Reviewed: May 25, 2015

Review about South Africa by Massai_1 (Carsten M.)
Overall rating

In my opinion South Africa is perfect for safaris especially if it's your first or second time in Africa. You have the wildlife mostly intact and often pretty close (compared to some Eastern African Countries), usually it's not to crowded and you get the same standards in food and accomodation you're used to, often even better.

María José   –  
Uruguay UY
Visited: April 2015 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

About: Safarihub
Good Service

Our tour leader Roger was top class with a great sense of humor, needed to keep our mind off some of the bumpy roads. The lodges chosen in our itinerary were in great locations my favourite being the Pioneer Camp in Serengeti - The candle lit dinner was fab. The vehicle used was comfortable and I was glad to have a power socket to charge my camera and phone. I used her tracker to follow the migration path and the driver was kind enough to explore new roads so that we could get close to the massive herd. We saw the lions on the Serengti lion rocks, the rhinos in the crater, the big elephants in the tarangire river and an elusive leopard in manyara.

Kate Collord   –  
France FR
Visited: May 2015 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

50-65 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Excellent three-day safari to Ngorongoro Wildlife Conservation Area

My short safari with High Peaks was perfect from all points of view. I arrived in Tanzania in late April and was met by my High Peaks driver, Livingstone, who speaks excellent English and was an informative guide to the flora and fauna we encountered. Because archaeology is one of my interests, we first drove to the Olduvai Gorge where our guide, Ms Chalangi, a university graduate student, gave a thorough explanation of the site first excavated by Louis Leakey and where some of the first traces of early hominids have been found. Then we continued to the Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge, my hotel for the next two nights, a very good choice for its courteous staff and fabulous views over the Ngorongoro Crater. The next day we visited a Masai village where we were warmly greeted and I was shown the kindergarten building of which the village is rightfully proud. From there we descended into the Ngorongoro Crater and, because the day was sunny and warm, were treated to sightings of nearly all the birds and mammals that romp there, including, I counted them, thirty lions! The last day we drove slowly back to Arusha, passing by the park at Manyara Lake. My guide was always patient with my questions and requests and deserves much credit for the pleasure I got from this safari. The rest of the credit goes, of course, to High Peaks itself and to Hans Kitungu for his clear and prompt responses to all my questions before the trip. He always listened to me and respected my preferences so that we could design a fully satisfying safari according to my interests.
This is what every visitor wants, a flexible, communicative, attentive, and respectful tour operator and staff. I am very happy I found High Peaks.

John C   –  
United Kingdom UK
Visited: May 2015 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: over 5 safaris

An amazing experience

The tour was booked for us so we didn't have any direct contact with the office although I have contacted them since and have been impressed with the prompt reply. Our tour started and finished at the Zambia/Zimbabwe border and transfers were in place as promised and efficient.
We did the 'Tamarind' 3 day canoe safari. It was an amazing unforgettable experience from beginning to end. We travelled off season and I think this worked in our favour. The group was smaller as a result, in our case there was only us with our two guides so the full VIP treatment. During the three days we canoed at a lovely leisurely pace and we didn't see any other canoes at all during that time. We did see a little game on the riverbanks including an unforgettable herd of elephants washing and playing in the river. The guides were able to control our boats to maximise the viewing experience , it was amazing.
Our nights were spent on islands with nobody else around. We slept in open dome tents with the stars as our backdrop and the noise of the wild as our soundtrack. During the day we would stop for regular breaks and have a lunchtime siesta to avoid the heat. We were visited by a Bull Elephant during one of these stops and he was so close. It was a real privilege to be so close.
We were lucky as we had 'The Dream Team' as guides, Norman and Takesure. We certainly made them earn their money. They answered our never ending questions showing real depth in knowledge. They were good fun, very capable and Takesure's cooking was superb. How he managed to cook such a variety of tasty and healthy food using basic equipment is beyond me but we loved it all. We've now learnt all about the star constellations which are so clear due to no light pollution and we were gazing up at them whilst drinking our bottle of wine that was provided with our meal (nice wine which was a pleasant surprise). We finished our trip at Mana Pools and stayed there for our last night. This wasn't as private but the next morning we got a game drive and saw a pack of Wild Dogs which is quite a rare sighting, very happy with that. We would recommend this trip to anybody, it was wonderful.

Mary Ann   –  
United States US
Visited: November 2014 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Wow that was awesome we had a supper excellent safari in Kenya.

We were recommended the wecam safaris by one of our friend and when we contacted the company i really loved them from the wird go, they replied in time and Mercy really helped us soo much on customizing our safari until we were okay with the itinerary. The driver guide James was one of the best guide have met in the world.
Thanks soo much guys and will really use you again maybe this year when going to masai mara for Wildebeest migration. I will recommend this company to people traveling to kenya or East Africa they are the best.

Victoria Alice Visited: April 2015 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

my first visit on african soil was exellent

A few days ago i visited Kenya. It was my first ever visit on African soil. I chose wecam safaris after being connected to them by my Kenyan friend. She is here on her studies in one of the colleges in Kansas US. Now i am here smiling all the way after a successful safari. Mara game frive was awesome. That lady was awesome. She chose the best budget hotel for the five nights. I cannot forget to salute her tour guide. That guy was smart. Our visit to Tsavo with him on the 4th day was the best anyone could ever wish to have. We had opportunity to come close to some big herds of elephants. He gave us history of the tsavo. In short hrs a man who has kenya in his finger tips. In general wecam safaris you were great. We will be back God willing for a mointain climbing excursion. We already held discussion and its upon me to get resources and time. My time in Kenya was one i will live to remember.

Tracey V   –  
United States US
Visited: May 2015 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

50-65 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Great Decision to go with Maasai Wanderings!!!!

From the moment our guide (Everest) picked us up at Arusha Airport, until we completely left Africa, the company made sure we had the best experience possible. Our guide was fun, knew exactly where to find the animals, and drive that truck like he was born in it! Even more, our flight was cancelled when we were leaving, and even though our contract with the company was technically over and fulfilled, Abdullie interceded with the airlines and local airline workers to assure we did not miss any connections. He was available to us at ALL times. PRICELESS!!!! What an amazing experience we had...with an amazing company! FIVE STARS!!!

Arianna Meschia   –  
United Kingdom UK
Visited: April 2015 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

Experience level: first safari

A weekend in South Luangwa
Overall rating

Saturday morning, 5.30am.

A whisper disturbs my lazy dream about ice creams. "Excuse me? Wake up call!" Wrenched out of sleep I find myself wondering who is waking me up at 5.30am on a Saturday morning and why, when I make out the unfamiliar outline of a net surrounding me, and I remember I'm Zambia, and I'm being woken up to go on safari.

Half an hour later, not knowing what I'm wearing and still partially asleep, I'm ushered out of our campsite, Flatdogs, and greeted by two smiling safari guides. Not until I am shown to our car do I definitely understand what's happening, and instantly I'm fully awake. Our safari car is the biggest jeep I've ever seen, a three-tiered, nine-seater, brown-green monster, and sitting on it with the chilly dawn wind rushing past me is incredibly exciting.

As soon as we enter South Luangwa National Park, we are greeted by a breath-taking sunrise over the Luangwa river. We've been in the park for less than ten minutes, and I've already spotted a gorgeous family of elephants with two babies sleepily crossing the river bed, a group of impalas looking at us with bewildered black eyes, and of course, the Park guards, two attentive baboons sitting right by the entrance, ushering us inside.

The next three hours are an unbelievable whirlwind of exotic animals, interesting facts told by our guides, and unforgettable scenery. Crocodiles and hippos seem to cohabit in the river, alongside fishermen on their slender wooden boats; elephants and giraffes slowly make their way around, in contrast with the hundreds of impalas, gazelles and antelopes darting around or fiercely fighting to reclaim their territory and the ladies' attention, their elegant horns locked together. Zebras move in dazzles, their hypnotic skin glistening in the sun, and countless species of birds, plants and flowers are everywhere we look. We even spot a leopard for a few minutes, shiny and regal in his stride. We drive around a stinking bush, where a pack of lions has clearly just had a kill. The lions, however, seem to know everyone is looking for them, and they don't come out until the evening.

On our sunset safari, we spot a pride of 14 lionesses and 3 young males, lazily lounging on the river bed. They look so inoffensive and chilled out, it is hard to imagine they are one of the deadliest predators in the animal world. A baby elephant and his mum tentatively cross the river a couple of hundred yards away. Immediately a few of the lionesses stir, stand up, and look at them, pondering on whether they are hungry enough to attack. They decide against it eventually, but for a few minutes the atmosphere grows tense as we are all torn between witnessing a kill or chasing what promises to be a spectacular sunset. We decide for the sunset eventually, and what a good choice that was: the sun was the biggest I've ever seen it, a huge incandescent, perfectly round circle, so enormous and close you could have reached out and touched it.

After sunset we are heading back to camp, thinking we've been as lucky as it gets, when out of nowhere on the road, two pairs of eyes pierce the darkness, and the silhouettes of two lions emerge just ahead of us. They are approaching a small pond to have a drink, when a crocodile jumps out of the water and they recede quickly. That's when they spot us. They turn around and slowly walk towards our car, looking suspiciously at this big dark mass smelling of humans. They are the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen, and they are promenading a couple of meters away from me. We reverse to let them go through undisturbed, and admire the powerful muscles and joints moving effortlessly under their taut skin, manes flowing around the faces, tails whipping the air.

And after all this, when we thought we had seen everything South Luangwa had to offer, our safari guide stopped the car, killed the engine and told us to look up, where the sky had almost disappeared under hundreds of constellations, the Milky Way and a million glistening stars.

Allan_Grey   –  
United Kingdom UK
Visited: October 2014 Reviewed: May 24, 2015

65+ years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

If Remote, Luxury & Lions are the some of criteria you seek, then South Luangwa has it in spades!
Overall rating

After being spoiled on safaris in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, where do you go to maintain that standard? Zambia we thought, South Luangwa, we'd not been there before, and it seemed sufficiently expensive and remote to get away from the safari crowds; we were not disappointed. Two beautiful lodges, South Kafunta and Lion Camp complimented by a real back to nature experience at Kafunta Bush Camp comprised our accommodation. When you've been woken in the dead of night by two hyenas communicating with each other, one across the river, the other just feet away at the bottom of the open steps to your stilted bedroom, you've had a real wildlife experience.

Breakfast at Bush Camp was taken on old camp chairs circled around the braai over which we toasted the most delicious home baked bread, then it was off on a walking safari to learn about all creatures great and small that make up the local ecosystem, and of course the evening walks always finished adjacent to a river, with a sundowner, mine's a G&T please. The other delight of this remote camp, apart from there only being six guests there, was Klaus, the elderly German camp manager. What a wealth of knowledge about all things Africa, could just sit and listen to him for hours, very entertaining.

Although I'm not a "Birder", I am a photographer and I was able to take many shots of my favourite bird, the Lilac Breasted Roller, such beautiful colours, and they do pose longer and allow you to get closer than some of the others, they are obviously the posers of the bird world, and don't they know it. On the other hand the Carmine Bee Eater, hundreds of them, just will not stay still, and I never managed to get any shots quite as good as those of the the Roller.

Plenty of elephants, some fairly docile, others quite aggressive, just hope your driver doesn't switch the engine off when they decide to come closer. Some of the most beautiful giraffe we had seen, large herds of buffalo, lots of antelope, especially Puku, and Kudu.

Then on to Lion Camp, about three hours drive through the park from Mfuwe, and as usual sitting in the jeep is like sitting behind a jet engine prior to take off, very hot air blasting through, hold on to your hat and make sure you have plenty of water. The reward for all this is an extremely remote camp in a beautiful corner of the park alongside the South Luangwa river, and of course the famous Hollywood pride. The pride was 19 strong when we visited, a dominant male, six or seven lionesses and numerous cubs from just a few months old to stroppy teenagers, always looking for trouble when the elders wanted to sleep. They are called the Hollywood pride because they have been featured in several wildlife films, and it was no different when we saw them, they were being filmed from afar by a seriously big camera outfit.

Five glorious days at Lion camp, being waited on hand and foot, served the most delicious food, along with a maximum of six other guests was heaven, well all except for one mega-opinionated retired US marine Colonel, just had to blank him out, tosser!

Game drives each morning and evening, each day concluded by the ubiquitous sundowner, with many sightings including one drive where we sat in the same riverbank position for two hours just watching the Hollywood pride resting and playing, and keeping their wary eyes on a group of five elderly buffalo; little did we know what awaited us the following morning, our last day and our last game drive.

Just two vehicles from Lion camp on an open plain looking for the first sighting of the day, and what a sighting, maybe a once in a lifetime sighting, the male and six lionesses chasing, catching and bringing down one of the elderly buffalo we had seen by the river the previous evening. If you haven't seen a kill before, or more to the point if you haven't heard a kill before, it's not easy viewing or listening, especially from a mere 20 metres away, for the hour it took the buffalo to succumb. In some parks there would have been dozens of jeeps homing in on such an event, here in South Luangwa, there was just the two vehicles from our camp, and the film crew, some mile away across the river.

We took a break and drove a safe distance for coffee and cake, and to look at the photos we had all taken. While we were doing this, the male and one of the lionesses strolled off across the river, and after a few rests along the way, brought all the cubs back for some grub, but woe betide they got in the way of the grown ups, if they did a swift thwack with a giant paw soon taught them some meal time etiquette.

We will never forget this spellbinding experience in South Luangwa National Park, shared with just the small number of friends we had made at Lion camp; the marine Colonel had left the previous day, such a shame!

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  • 4.8/5

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