Safari Reviews

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Allice Stewart   –  
Kenya KE
Visited: June 2014 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

20-35 years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

Excellent Safari and Value for Money!!!

After my first encounter with Africa Flash McTours, I was impressed by the detailed information and fast response to my emails. I was abit skeptical when it came to making my payment as I had to pay the full amount upfront, and this was explained as I was booking my tour a few weeks to my date of departure and it was a Peak Season and Lodges only confirmed payment upon full payment during that period. I requested a few reviews from previous clients and after their positive feedback I continued with the booking.
The 3 days safari was unforgettable. Excellent accommodation - the main highlight being the cottages. The staff were wonderful. Cyrus was a wonderful guide and good luck ensured amazing animal viewing and Cyrus knew exactly where to take us. I know there are many travel agents but I would highly recommend Africa Flash McTours.

Jennifer   –  
United States US
Visited: July 2014 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

50-65 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Best and most economical safari you can book

My husband and I went on a 13 day safari with Kenya Walking Survivor’s and we were extremely happy with every aspect of the trip. As others have stated, I too was leery about wiring so much money to an unknown person in Kenya, but rest assured, Mr. Otieno is very ethical and will go to all lengths to make your trip spectacular. Our plane arrived and departed in the wee hours of the night and he provided transportation each time. We had such a great guide (Ochieng) who was focused on providing us with the best views and photos of all of the animals. Not only was he the first to spot the animals, we were finished viewing them before other vans came upon the same viewing spot. We were on our way to another spotting by the time the competitor’s guides came along. He was very knowledgeable too about all of the animals and the country of Kenya. Our accommodations were top of the line. I know with Kenya Walking, you can choose to tent it, but we chose the tented camps and lodges which were very luxurious. We literally had linen table clothes and a 5 course meal out in the middle of the Serengeti when we went to Tanzania. Mr. Otieno is very accessible too. When we were leaving, we accidentally left our cameral in the drop-off car. I had to call Mr. Otieno at 2:30 AM and he answered and called the driver to return to the airport with our camera. He couldn’t be more attentive to his clients. The food at all of our lodges and tented camps included a wide variety of Western food and some African selections. It was delicious. They will provide all the bottled water for you on your safari. You only have to purchase alcoholic or soft drinks, if you choose those. He really listens to the clients’ feedback too because there was one hotel in Naivasha that we mentioned we didn’t like to our guide and before the end of our trip, the word got back to Mr. Otieno and he had already changed the Chester hotel to another tented camp for that location. I cannot stress enough how nice these tented campsites are. It was like we were the rich and famous on a safari. He said he negotiates rates, so he can get them much cheaper than if the customer books it directly. I was afraid since his rates were lower than the other companies that I would get subpar experience, but that wasn’t the case at all. Overall, I would rate our experience as 5+++! Since we had 13 days for our trip, the only thing I would do differently is I think I would choose to go see the gorillas. I heard from other people along the way that it was super cool to see them. We met the guide who specializes in those tours and his name is Martin. He was great too, although we only had him drive us back from the border to Nairobi. You can’t go wrong with this company.

Greetings - Perchet   –  
Belgium BE
Visited: April 2015 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

A trip to remember in my life time to Manyara, Ngorongoro and Mt Meru.

Hello Everyone
I had a trip i will remember for a lifetime. The suggestions Shabani made were very nice.If we had a question or a problem Shabani was always ready to help us.
The guides, Porters, Shabani works with are all friendly and helpful people.
At home i will recommend Shabani to the people who would like to come to Tanzania.

Guzzo Stefano   –  
Italy IT
Visited: March 2015 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

Safari fantastico con Savannah Explorers !!!!

Io e mia moglie abbiamo deciso di fare un safari di circa 8 giorni (Arusha Tarangire -Lake Manyara - Serengeti - Ngorongoro dal 1marzo 2015 al 9 marzo 2015 ) con Savannah Explorers. Ho contattato Roberto per organizzare il mio viaggio lui è stato molto professionale ed ha organizzato tutto nei minimi dettagli . Al nostro arrivo all'aereporto di Kilimanjaro ci ha accolto (alle 2 di notte ) il suo socio Greyson che ci ha spiegato ottimamente come veniva svolto il safari accompagnandoci in albergo e assicurandosi che tutto fosse ok per la nostra accoglienza. Greyson è stato costantemente in contatto con la guida per sapere come procedeva la nostra escursione .Gli alloggi come i pasti sono sempre stati all'altezza delle nostre aspettative , la jeep ben attrezzata e sempre fornita di ogni tipo di bevande .A noi è stata affidata come guida il "Grande" Yuda : guida espertissima e molto simpatica ( con lui abbiamo fatto amicizia e ci sentiamo tuttora.) Yuda è stato molto disponibile e puntale accontentando tutte le nostre richieste e permettendoci , grazie alla sua competenza , di vedere tutti gli animali possibili nel migliore dei modi . Sicuramente in futuro ci appoggeremo di nuovo a questa agenzia che si è dimostrata seria e professionale .

Sarah   –  
United States US
Visited: April 2015 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

Very professional and solid company

I actually got hooked up with this company through another company in Kenya who proved to be disastrous but nonetheless this company was excellent and comparison. Even though a lot of what I received onto it was not what I was promised again through the manager of the original company who set me up with these guys, had a true budget camping Safari with no facilities been what I was looking for these guys did a great job. Becker the guide and Rafael the cook were friendly and efficient and provided excellent food and knowledge about the area and animals. I can't get over how good the food was really I was so impressed. Becker joined us every night at dinner and was so professional it was just great. If I shall return I will go straight to him for a tour as he was good.

Irritated   –  
United States US
Visited: March 2015 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

A ridiculous, unprofessional organization

Where oh where oh where do I start to explain the ridiculous experience I had with this god-awful company. It should be noted to that one of the good reviews posted on here was actually posted months later and from Kenya so that's a lack credibility right there.

I found ancient wild safari's right here on Safari bookings and after writing off to about 6 to 7 operate is looking for a certain itinerary that fit into a certain period of time I landed on this company. At the beginning Michael was very very good about returning my messages and seem to have his stuff together. They didn't have as many reviews as another company I was considering but sometimes I like to try to give the new guys a chance as I know how ihard it can be in business. I found his photo on Facebook and thought he looked very pleasant and like a nice African man. Even when I looked at other companies after I had already somewhat committed to taking the tour through Michael I felt a little bad as I don't like to mess people around. There was a tour I really did like the look of better but I thought you know what let me give these new guys a chance as they hadn't done it that long from what I could tell a couple years versus many.
I spent the first day in Nairobi with Morris a private driver arranged by Michael. He honestly looked very tired at the beginning but he was a good talker and we got along. I was booked to do a group tour with African budget safaris for the first couple of days and then they hooked me up with a sister company in Tanzania as federal regulations prohibit the same tour operator operating in both states. You're actually required to do part of your tour and then you get put on the shuttle bus down to Arusha where the sister company picks you up and you continue. Morris and I had all day together and as the day went on he kept pushing me into doing a private Safari with just him and he kept stressing that I would have more flexibility. Finally at the end of the day back at the hotel we'll sit down together Michael Morris and myself. Michael said to me Morris thinks that you were very friendly lady he would like to take you want to private tour and share his love for Kenya with you and really a private tour would be much better for you so why don't you go ahead and do that. So I agreed and handed him the payment in full for the tour. He gave me a written receipt for the amount and then told me I would need to pay an additional US$300 give or take for the private version of the tour. I didn't have enough money and I told him so and this we agreed I would pay after the tour. I did tell him he better make sure it's a great tour as I didn't want to pay extra if it wasn't.

Morris arrives bright and early the next day. Again though he has these tired tired eyes and it was a little distracting so I asked him are you okay. He said yes. We get out on the road and as we're driving through out the day he tells me how a lot of Kenyans have a drinking problem but they all go out and drink a lot and it's a real problem. It didn't take long for me to put it together that he's tired bloodshot eyes were from a lot of drinking he was doing all night. We get to our first camp and it's quite satisfactory just outside the park Massai Mara. As promised my tent was a permanent self-contained and had its own bathroom with shower and toilet. I had specifically made sure I asked Michael in our email exchanges about these facilities and he told me that both Kenya and Tanzania had the same facilities that is self-contained tent with its own bathroom and shower. I was not willing to sign up with the company that did not provide these facilities and I was ready to pay more if need be but he assured me that these facilities were what I would get. Instead of going to dinner that night Morris decided to slip off into town and hit the bar and while he lied about it to me I'm not an idiot as my ex-boyfriend is an alcoholic and sometimes you can just tell the signs. I was a little put off that he didn't share dinner with me at the camp but I've heard different versions of what's considered appropriate and what's not. The next day we got out on the Safari and sure know if there was an actual beer in the door of the car!!! I mean really people come on. By this stage we were in the middle of nowhere and even though I was in constant contact with Michael at this point I didn't want to mention it as I didn't want to be irritating Morris in the middle of the African bush when it was just him and me in the car. Quite frankly he made me a little uncomfortable so what was I going to do I just had to get through it. So we get through the next couple of days and he smells and wears the same clothes one day as the night before when he picks me up but whatever. The same red tired bloodshot eyes the whole time so I just prayed. We end up in town and Michael is waiting at the shuttle bus to take me to Arusha and all that went okay. I get down to Arusha and get on Safari and that's all very well and fine but then we pull up at our first camp and I walking my little hut and guess what no bathroom no toilet no shower no self-contained nothing but a bed without sheets without anything. Again I was assured it was self-contained which is very important to me. Oh it gets better the next night was actual camping sleeping on the ground in the pouring down rain and me with my bladder issues having to get out in the middle of the night with the water buffalo just 20 feet away from me and I had to pay right outside the tent in the middle of the night with rain gushing down on me and this is exactly what I wanted to avoid and therefore why I made sure to ask ahead of time would I have my own bathroom. It really did suck I have to tell you I woke up in the morning pissed off cold and miserable as I didn't get what I was told I would get I didn't get what I paid full and there's nothing worse than when you're lied to in business. I did let Michael know the night before the first camp that I was irritated and he told me please just be happy. This time I couldn't contact him as I didn't have any cell phone service. The actual scenery was amazing and made it worthwhile but really that's not the point right here. Finally I end up on the shuttle bus heading back to Kenya and he's waiting for me at the other end with Morris to pick me up and take me to this restaurant that's included as part of the whole tour. Morris gets out of the car to greet myself and my new friends and actually staggers and crashes into the vehicle he is that wasted drunk!!!! I could not freaking believe it. I fought with him the whole tour we were on together as each night before we went to bed on tour I kept telling him don't get wasted drunk please please. With these early starts on Safari it's just not enough hours to get all the alcohol out of your system you know. Wasted drunk ridiculous oh my Lord. So I tell Michael hell no I'm not getting in the car with him he's drunk. Michael calls and all the driving and gets us to the hotel that is my friends and I. After we get there I proceed to let him know vigorously how unhappy I am with the alcoholism of the driver and the fact that I was lied to about my facilities in Tanzania and would you believe it he still tries to get the additional $300 out of me!!!!! I dig my heels in and say hello and my friends who actually United Nations offices all jump in and stick up for me as well. He fights vigorously until he gives up and leaves. The next day I proceed to get all these threatening messages from him with verbal abuse telling me that no one on the tour in Tanzania liked me they thought I was a horrible person they thought I was stubborn, I pissed everyone off. Unreal and not true, we had fun and the company in Tanzania was really good, it's not their fault he lied to me and the service they provided had that been my expectation was more than satisfactory and I will give them a great review on here as they did their job very well and professionally.

As for Michael, not once would he knowledge that he lied his ass off to me even though the night before I had showed him all the emails we exchanged back-and-forth and I have witnesses that agreed with me that his communication with me clearly indicated I would have my own bathroom. I don't have to explain why I need my own bathroom it should just be enough that that's a request that I need honored. I get into it with him and tell him that I have a bladder issue and I had to go to the bathroom in the rain and then have no shower for three days because I didn't even have a towel because I was told my accommodation would be self-contained and he actually has the nerve to tell me that I should've told him about my personal bladder issue!!!!! Are you freaking kidding me!!!!! It is no one's business what bladder issues I have can you talk about invasion of my privacy!!!!!! He won't quit and tells me that not once did we actually stop at any accommodation that wasn't on the itinerary. Wow he just doesn't listen it was amazing as that was not my beef!!!!my beef was lying to me about the facilities not that we stopped anyway we weren't supposed to Lord it was so aggravating trying to communicate with him. He told me that I should've called him on tour to say I wasn't happy. Dude we were in the middle of the African jungle with no cell phone service are you really really serious. And not only that I did message him the first place we stopped when I realize the accommodations werent what he promised and all he said to me was please be happy please be happy the scenery is great and that's all. So I'm trying to get to the airport my last morning and he text me to tell me he's going to get the police to meet meet me at the airport and I broken the law and he's going to try to have me arrested and it was just ridiculous and even when I got to the Middle East he was texting me and calling me telling me he had my passport information he was going to the police at the airport he was going to go to the embassy and threatening me and it was just a complete circus. So if you read this far I beg you for your own sanity run fast from this company and save your money and yourself the aggravation of dealing with the most unprofessional, dishonest and ridiculous people I've ever met in my life. Oh and he even accused me of being racist , that was his defense. Yeah I'm racist and Id just come from volunteering at an orphanage where I spent time and money with all the kids because I'm racist and I have a black boyfriend because I'm racist. Fool . If there's any mistakes with grammar or punctuation in here it's because I talk text because I have a lot to say so if you actually want to verify that this is a true and legitimate review please don't hesitate to message me thank you.

Michell Family   –  
Australia AU
Visited: March 2015 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

35-50 years of age  |  Experience level: 2-5 safaris

Tam and Alex were awesome and ensured we had a better time in Africa than we could ever dream of.

My son and I travelled to Africa going to Kingspool(linyanti) and Khwai camps via Maun. This was not my first trip to Africa but it was my sons and no stone was left unturned in ensuring we had the trip of a lifetime and the care and the focus by remarkable-africa was to make sure your my son was safe and consistently enthralled with new experiences every day. He has now fallen inlove with Africa and i am sure we will return and will only look at one company for our travel plans. Remarkable-Africa (especially Tam and Alex) are incredible to deal with and make your feel like your needs and desires are as important to them as their own.

Tourist from S.F.   –  
United States US
Visited: February 2013 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

50-65 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Review about Serengeti National Park by Tourist from S.F.
Overall rating

We went all over, and saw everything: birth, death, mating...I can't say enough about what a fantastic experience.

Tourist from S.F.   –  
United States US
Visited: February 2013 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

50-65 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

Review about Ngorongoro Crater by Tourist from S.F.
Overall rating

Like being in a huge zoo without walls. The animals were fearless, so much less shy, and easy to see.

Tourist from S.F.   –  
United States US
Visited: February 2013 Reviewed: Apr 17, 2015

50-65 years of age  |  Experience level: first safari

To see elephants in Tanzania, go here
Overall rating

We saw lionesses hunting, and other fun wildlife, but the most spectacular was the day we were surrounded by elephants on all four sides of our safari vehicle, en route to the river. This didn't happen anywhere else, and it was the best day of our trip, including more famous national parks. We also loved just sitting overlooking the water watching the elephants playing. The density of the elephant population made this a wonderful visit.

We stayed in Boundary Hill Lodge, in the Conservation Area, and it was our favorite lodging of the trip. Spectacular place to stay to visit Tarangire. The weather was no different than in Ngorongoro Crater or the Serengeti. The scenery was much less our focus here, though. However, the baobabs are unbelievable, too.

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